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Monday, October 9, 2023

Your BELIEF Should Be Stronger Than Any DOUBT

Your BELIEF Should Be Stronger Than Any DOUBT
BELIEF and DOUBT are two of the most symbiotic forces that seems to encapsulize our lives through and through.  Each one tries to conquer and 'TAKE OVER' our pitiful self.  But NEVER say that to Dwayne Wade, one of the NBA's most successful players who was enshrined in the NBA HALL of FAME recently.  And to quote his most quoted one-liner:  Your BELIEF Should Be Stronger Than Any DOUBTπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
And DWAYNE WADE can beat his chest over and over again because he did overcome numerous roadblocks in his NBA career.  And some of those roadblocks, had he NOT deftly hurdled them, those roadblocks were career-ending ones.  WHEN the Miami Heat ballclub wanted to signup the great LEBRON JAMES, the latter's gargantuan contract would NOT have been accommodated by the Miami Heat UNLESS the Miami Heat had to shave off a significant chunk from its budget, else the NBA will NOT approve such signup. And there was a second potential hiccup.  DWAYNE WADE had to accept that his role in the team will be relegated because LEBRON JAMES will become the very core of the Miami Heat❗❗❗
Having said a mouthful, let us face this harsh reality.  Worst than the dreaded coronavirus, DOUBT will always be part and parcel of our lives.  Live a life, DOUBT creeps in, as early as our infancy.  And morbid as this may sound, even in our last moments when we're fighting for our life to be given a second lease of life, that DOUBT will continue to linger and persist to exist and worst, even supplant anything that is left of you, even if you are bereft of the last ounce of strength and faith in yourself.  How to FIX that?  Boost your BELIEF because that will conversely shoot down any lingering DOUBT✅✅✅
I am no Buddhist but I admire with awe the deep-seated BELIEF of Buddhists, all because their strong faith is founded in the embedded teachings of the revered Buddha.  Are you surprised or doubting how widely accepted Buddhism is?  Look far and deep into the Americas.  Count in respected American celebrities as some of the famous celebrities who converted to Buddhism, all because of their deep-seated BELIEFπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
To cap off our thread today, allow me to share this oh-so-boring black & white poster but this should throw you off your chair if until this point in time, you continue to be nursing lingering DOUBTS, probably DOUBTS on your own capabilities, DOUBTS on your chances to succeed in your endeavor, DOUBTS with regard your resilience to overcome whatever turbulences in life that may hit you, DOUBTS with regard your health, DOUBTS with regard your fortitude.  The antidote to this myriad of DOUBTS is to bolster your BELIEF no lessπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

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