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Sunday, October 22, 2023



I stumbled across this sharing in Quora.com last August 31st wherein the person was claiming he was so DEPRESSED because he is still living in that  Southeast Asian country [apologies I am unable to identify that country].  He claims he's depressed because he's seeing many fellow citizens migrating.  Is it true that the GRASS IS GREENER AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE❓❓❓
So, that writer was implying that the GRASS was indeed GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE?  Someone retorted that the writer as to WHAT is/was causing his DEPRESSION.  And the respondent went on to share the fact that he has seen residents in the Third World who were living way below the poverty lines BUT looked happy WHEREAS, he has seen the reverse in the First WorldπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Yesirrrrrs I can attest to that response because I was born in a Third World country and once in my life, I did live in a First World country [for about nine years].  I lived, breathed and ate on both worlds and that first person attestations CAN'T be farther from the truth.  Living and mixing it up with people who were living even below the poverty line.  And living with legit first world citizens BUT by and large, I saw them as an UNHAPPY lot✅✅✅

So, allow me to quote this captivating one-liner:  THE GRASS IS GREENER WHERE YOU WATER IT.  Exactly, you got to take care of the grass, water it, nurture it.  And that is where the parallelism with our life lies.  IF ONLY we dutifully take care of our life, IF ONLY we nurture and water it, then, it is NOT far fetch when one day, we will be singing Hossanahs to vouch that living our life now is the bestπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Now here's my sharing.  If I did venture over and lived in that First World country for nine years, it was because I firmly believed that the very 'high goal post' I set for myself can be best achieved in that First World country.  BUT once I did achieve my pre-set goals in that First World country, the next thing I did was to go to my native country's embassy to REACQUIRE my previous citizenship and [on the same breadth], renounce my citizenship ⏳⏳⏳

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