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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Keep Your Chin Up!

Keep Your Chin Up!

No sirrrrrs, we're not egging you to be as proud as the peacock but you deserve to Keep Your Chin Up anytime in your life.  WHEN you flopped.  WHEN you faltered.  WHEN you blundered.  WHEN you were struggling.  WHEN you were like down at the gutter-level.  WHEN you are at your lowest point.  To Keep Your Chin Up is a step NOT to give us a misguided comfort or a bloated ego but to Keep Your Chin Up may be the clincher you need

You might challenge me as to why we need to Keep our Chin Up?  A couple of things here.  Primero, if you're deep down in crisis, who's the very first person who should egg you to get back on your feet?  It's YOU who is the primus inter pares.  Segundo, when YOU see yourself faltering over and over again, WHO else can get you back on track, except YOU? When you're struggling and barely surviving, and probably on the teeters, clutching on the very last stretched strings, WHO else can remind you to Keep your Chin Up but YOU❓❓❓

You might be itching to challenge me as to why we need to Keep our chin up!  The strongest reason for this is that even in the face of your worst adversity ever, when things caused you to FALL FLAT, and probably ending up BLACK and BLUE, you need to realize that you've gone that far because you have poured out and exerted all your efforts, albeit in failure BUT there is nothing to be ashamed of.  You lifted your finger, they did NOT📌📌📌
It's true many people out there do show up with their CHIN UP but be incisive because there should be a stark difference between the 'genuineness' of your CHIN UP versus their seemingly compelled CHIN UP that is more part of their veil of defensiveness rather than the 'genuineness' in life💊💊💊
Hey, even in strength conditioning exercises, do note that CHIN UPs are aggressively being peddled for many obvious reasons that are beneficial as a result of the strength conditioning exercises.  At the other end of the spectrum, there are outliers, having seen some who do CHIN UP but in life, they are either miserable or simply mediocre.  So, why do they CHIN UP?  That less than genuine behavior is part of their veiled and cloaked defense of the hard realities they are struggling to face or worse, to admit.  So, regardless of the blizzards of winter punishing or the sunny horizons of Florida showing up, KEEP YOUR CHIN UP💎💎💎

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