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Friday, October 6, 2023

Don't Keep Things 'BOTTLED UP' !

Don't Keep Things 'BOTTLED UP' !

No sirrrrs, our thread today is NOT about booze, drinks and wine.  It's this problem that is NOT seen or felt much on the surface simply because Things seem to be 'BOTTLED UP' !  And we're referring to the intangibles, our EMOTIONS, our FEELINGS and no more than that.  So you might wander why this serves a space in our thread today?  Precisely, it's because this dilemma is prevalent amongst us BUT if it NOT easily felt, it's simply because the fact is, it really seems Things are 'BOTTLED UP' !  Obviously, when Things are 'BOTTLED UP', even we ourselves would suddenly become oblivious, if at all, when Things seem to be 'BOTTLED UP' ❗❗❗
So, what really happens when we BOTTLED UP our feelings?  Hmmm, we all must learn how to express our emotions in a healthy way.  And the very first step is having that AWARENESS or knowing the signs that you're indeed BOTTLING UP your emotions and understanding the repercussions if that miscue continues.  So, let's assess that situation when we BOTTLED UP.  Likely, that's when we either feel worried or anxious all the time. And if you choose NOT to deal with your feelings, those BOTTLED UP emotions will likely start to creep out of nowhereπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Let's take a real-life experience IF/WHEN you face financial woes.  Once you OPEN UP with your spouse/partner, trust me, you will feel better.  WHY?  Because you will receive the support you need, and your partner/spouse can even help in your budgeting and that happens by NOT BOTTLING UP.  Too bad some of us would resort to some unhealthy coping mechanisms when there is just one too many emotions to mask.  Other people will drink all night to forget their problems.  While a more extreme action is when some would do resort to substance abuse [simply to have that euphoric feeling]πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Others take the worse path by expressing their negative emotions in an unhealthy way by lashing out at their loved ones.  Some even harm themselves or contemplate on suicidal thoughts when too much emotions CAN'T be handled anymore.  These unhealthy coping mechanisms will NOT do you any good as they are all self-destructive behaviors that ironically will HARM you and HURT those who care for you.  BUT we can avoid all that if we let all our emotions OUT in a healthy way✅✅✅
So what's our FIX?  Numero uno.  KNOW THE CAUSE of your negative emotions.  Create a journal, write down those struggles to increase your self awareness.  Numero dos.  TALK TO SOMEONE because that's the best way to vent out BOTTLED UP emotions.  Bottomline is, DON'T KEEP THINGS BOTTLED UP at allπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™

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