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Friday, September 1, 2023

When The Well Goes Dry

 When The Well Goes Dry

Anyone who buys the line that, in life, we've got a bottomless pit?  No sirrrrs, I DON'T buy that because on the other hand,  When The Well Goes Dry, that's one of the realities in life.  Deep inside us, we have our respective rivers.  Virtually, each of our rivers flow with our good health, that positive outlook in life complemented by that positive attitude.  And ideally, that river flows freely through usπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Whether it's faucets, artesian wells or rivers, when we allow this flow and keep our own 'WELL" from getting plugged up, there's a peace or an ease, a current that takes us along, then everything seems easier when good things come our way.  When wonderful opportunities are presented to us, we're ready for themπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

It also refreshes, renews and revitalizes our lives. Surely, we have known people from time to time who defied all the LOGIC and stayed alive years longer than they should have. Or you may have known people who've been able to keep a POSITIVE OUTLOOK on life even though terrible things happened to them.  Their RIVER ran strong and their WELL never went dry⏳⏳⏳

When the WELL goes dry, when the WELL gets clogged, those are the days when things seem to be DOWN in us, whether it's physically or emotionally.  No matter what we do, we CAN'T seem to 'snap out of it'.  That WELL, that RIVER has gone dry and only a little trickle seems to pass through.  Sadly, many people allowed their WELL to go dry✅✅✅

They are easily discouraged and they seem to be easily mired n a mud hole and every step becomes a struggle.  So, what's our FIX?  Discover that clogged WELL and UNCLOG that WELL.  Until you get your WELL cleared out and unclogged, everything will be difficult, disappointing and unfulfilling.  So, tap into that stream because water satisfies like nothing else.  The last thing we want to happen is WHEN THE WELL GOES DRY❗❗❗

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