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Friday, September 15, 2023

Expectation Versus Reality

Expectation Versus Reality

Despite the seemingly predictiveness in life, bedlam and confusion continues to be sowed, all because of the disconnect with Expectation Versus Reality.  With social media playing the dual roles both as harbinger and catalyst of things, common outcomes are EXPECTATIONS being either inflated, stretched and sometimes hyped-up and in such instances, studies show that 80% of the time, the actual EXPECTATION does NOT get aligned with the actual REALITYπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
EXPECTATIONS are what we think will happen while REALITY is what actually transpires.  While we hope that these two will match up, often they DON'T.  This common disparity between EXPECTATION versus REALITY can often lead to feelings of discontentment, frustration and unhappiness.  So, we should be focused how to fix and mitigate the risk of EXPECTATIONS that can lead to feelings of disappointment when REALITY does NOT measure upπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
So, how can we handle EXPECTATIONS, those beliefs that will hold about the outcomes of events.  And while these EXPECTATIONS can play an important role in determining what happens and may contribute to goal-directed behavior, they can also lead to disappointment when REALITY does NOT match up to WHAT we had hoped to happenπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Now let's pause for a while and identify the tell-tale signs that we are having EXPECTATIONSWHEN you anticipate a certain outcome.  WHEN you hold a vision in your mind of how things will play out.  WHEN having a set idea of what you want or need from a situation.  Problem is, sometimes, we end up so attached to our EXPECTATIONS that we are unable to to see the reality of our situation up front✅✅✅
To quote William Shakespeare, the famous English playwright, 'EXPECTATION IS THE ROOT OF ALL HEARTACHE'.  Where Shakespeare is coming from, it's because many EXPECTATIONS are NOT realistic enough to cause undue stress when EXPECTATIONS do NOT match with REALITY.  To recap, our EXPECTATIONS in life may be unrealistic and skewed based on what we think others have.  We need to realize the gap between EXPECTATION and REALITY because our perspective of others is limited and biased❗

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