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Monday, September 11, 2023

Cut From The Same Cloth?

Cut From The Same Cloth?

How often we heard  a specific person is judged as being one Cut From The Same Cloth?  Likely NOT too often but when we do, it would refer to people who probably share similar backgrounds, lineage, culture, traditions or specifically, coming from the same family or kinship.  Supposedly, this expression Cut From The Same Cloth does NOT deserve a space in our thread today but alas, this expression has been overly used or abused, to be precise.  When the son or daughter falters on a specific gold, the lame excuse is that the involved person is Cut From The Same Cloth [as his parents/kinship].  When someone falls short of achieving something, our lame excuse is that the person Cut From The Same Cloth, so that explains his shortfall in his/her capabilitiesπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

When a child's academic performance has been worsening because of the low ratings in the Math subject, the child will be immediately 'rescued' by stating he's Cut From The Same Cloth as his parents who are NOT good in Math as well.  When someone goes into business and it flourishes, whoah everyone wants to ride on his coattails [of success] by claiming he's Cut From The Same Cloth as his parents who are proven successful entrepreneurs.  When one is short-tempered and struggles with his ANGER MANAGEMENT, oh he's Cut From The Same Cloth [as his dad]πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

But frankly, all these innuendoes are fallacies no less.  How can people be suddenly get cloned on the basis of one's failure or success?  We may share values and cultural norms BUT that does NOT carry over to impact the capabilities of a person.  WHY?  Because we live our own lives and whether we succeed or fail, to state they're Cut From The Same Cloth does NOT hold waterπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

From the time I managed to have the gumption to step out of our home and take the plunge by trying my luck in my country's main capital city, I knew that whether I prosper or falter, it will be either to my own credit or shortfall.  I knew that I had to summon all my skills and capabilities for even myself to have that china man's chance at all✅✅✅

But the challenging question is, as to why till as we speak today, people have that propensity to invoke that misplaced expression that when you fall short, you're likely CUT FROM THE SAME CLOTH?  Why is it many in today's generation seem shielded and protected from the rigors of life? It's because the misplaced belief that we are CUT FROM THE SAME CLOTH continues to hover over us❗❗❗

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