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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How Can We Be Special?

How Can We Be Special?

Allow me to share this Quora.com sharing from Mathew Vanderburg about that NAPKIN EXPERIENCE.  If you're hosting a party either at wprk or at home, try this experiment.  The first time, put the plain and regular napkins in a bunch for guests to use.  And watch the guests 'abuse' the napkins, pulling out wantonly, in any number and most people will take more than one.  And they will throw the napkins at the trash without care and get more as needed.  The next time you refill, try this.  NOTHING SPECIAL there, right❓❓❓

The next time you did refill the napkins, try refilling it with exactly the same brand, specs and quality.  Except for the colors which you chose pink.  Guess what happens next?  Notice the difference this time around.  People will tend to treat the pink napkins as SPECIAL, even pulling it out with care one at a time.  They will also likely preserve the napkins longerπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
What's the end result from this NAPKIN EXPERIMENT?  Safely, people tend to attach automatically an importance when something looks different or more sophisticated than they are used to.  This is also the same principle where well-dressed people get to be treated better.  Recently, our broker/friend confided the same recurring experience.  They really need to get attired impressively lest the clients they meet may look down on themπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
BTW, being SPECIAL does NOT just mean being exceptional or being better than others at some task, ability or skill BUT instead, being SPECIAL means being RESPECTED.  And if we want to stand out from the crowd and be recognized as a SPECIAL person, you can learn to start developing your inner self, giving it the RESPECT it deserves⏳⏳⏳
The cautionary advice here is NEVER pressure yourself to be that SPECIAL.  Simply put, be your natural self WHO remains steadfast to endeavor standing out where in a small room or in a crowd because that could lead you to be SPECIAL❗❗❗

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