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Saturday, September 30, 2023



To borrow a favorite American expression, 'sometimes a funk is more than the sum of its parts.  And many more times in our life, circumstances and situations tend to get so intertwined leading us to ask if we Are In A 'DOWNWARD SPIRAL'?  And in most cases, that self-prognosis is just damn right.  So what makes it right?  It's because at the end of the day, most of us are aware that it is HOW we react specific situations that tend to exacerbate thingsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So, in many cases, we should have NOT ended up in those situations causing our downward spiral.  You just DONT have to go and take that path.  It is NOT the events or the circumstances but it is the way our mind reacts to them that causes a seemingly minor annoyance to sometimes snowball into an ell-encompassing 'black mood'.  In short, the glimmer of hope is that while we CANNOT control a lot of things, we can control the way we react to situations.  Factually, DOWNWARD SPIRALS are often provoked by jumping to the worst case conclusions✅✅✅

Try making a beeline from a boss's critical email right to "I'M GOING TO BE FIRED".  OR you take a friend's failure to call as a 'SURE SIGN' she DOESN'T like you anymore.  But we need to realize that probably, the boss's email is simply part of BUSINESS AS USUAL while your friend was probably distracted by a problem in her own life that has got NOTHING to do with you at allπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Numerous studies have shown that humans are 'HIGHLY EVOLVED PROBLEM SOLVERS'.  No sooner do we experience a negative emotion than we then feel compelled to fix it, fast, pronto.  Usually, that 'URGE' goes with the assumption that there's probably SOMETHING WRONG with us for 'FEELING BLUE', which, unfortunately, tends to only compound that imminent depression✅✅✅

Another complexity that seems to commonly worsen things is that by trying to think our way out of a certain predicament [e.g. sadness, depression], ironically we tend to fuel and worsen it.  So, the more we FEED this DOWNWARD SPIRAL with attention, it then becomes very likely that we tend to unconsciously allow it to proliferate.  In the end, such NEGATIVITIES will just continue to multiply, spinning from one thing to two things to ten things.  So, if you are in a DOWNWARD SPIRAL, arrest that skid and turnaround❗❗❗

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