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Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Nope, this is NOT a recycled James Bond thread.  As they say, to CIRCLE BACK is an art.  But I'll cut that crap because to me, to CIRCLE BACK is simply a best practice, whether it's in our personal life, work like or even in your business world.  Really, When Do You CIRCLE BACK?  Before we get drowned with semantics, let us align with the definition.  To CIRCLE BACK means to CLOSE THE LOOP, to complete what was started, to put a full stop to an activity or initiative that was started.  And sales people who have perfected how to CIRCLE BACKπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
At work, we know those common scenarios.  An idea is introduced, people are tasked to execute and then more important things pop up and that great idea gets 'backburnered' until time becomes available again.  Oh, we forgot to CIRCLE BACK.  But we'll NOT spend time about the work environment.  Let's dig up, how to develop that best practice to CIRCLE BACK [especially for those distracted by rabbits during an elephant hunt]πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Now what's our FIXes so we get to develop that skills to CIRCLE BACK?  Topping the list, DON'T forget that TIME IS MONEY.  Anything you started on needs to be completed.  Leave it hanging in the air, all the time spent gets wasted.  And where, when and how can you recoup LOST TIME?  Next.  Be detail-focused.  Take Notes.  One that makes CIRCLING BACK easier is remembering to do so.  If you're NOT a note taker, become one.  Put all that stuff down in your personal tracking system immediately and that eliminates the probability of forgettingπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Next.  Follow-through.  When you sit down on a new initiative and multiple parties get involved, ensure to close the loop by CIRCLING BACK.  As a best practice [till today] in my workplace, everything in a formal discussion gets minuted via MOM [Minutes of the Meeting].  Documenting every relevant details will go a long way in terms of accountability✅✅✅
Now, this next thing is indispensable.  You got to set deadlines.  We know people have a lot going on and the demand of deadlines seems daunting for those that are so busy but it will allow an initiative to stay on task without having to bug the other players for their contributions.  In your personal life, where a problem pops-up, many couples start discussing the problem at hand but along the way, they DROP THE BALL.  Sometimes, unintentionally especially if one problem after another are piling up.  Bottom line is, you got to CIRCLE BACK, whatever it takes before lightning strikes again❗❗❗ 

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