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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Seeds of Life

The Seeds of Life

Before I cause eyebrows to raise, I DON'T have a green thumb nor did I get into an agricultural foray because our thread today will be focused on The Seeds of Life.  Before I get doubted with plagiarism, allow me to borrow these poetic lines [from an anonymous literary piece]:  SOME SEEDS WERE SCATTERED ON THE SIDE OF THE PATH BUT WERE TRAMPLED AND EATEN BY THE BIRDS.  SOME SEEDS FELL ON ROCKY GROUND AND THEY SPROUTED BUT THE SUN CAME UP AND WITHERED THE SEEDS WHILE OTHER SEEDS FELL AMONG THE THORN BUSHES BUT THESE WERE CHOKED BY THORNS.

And the poem ended like, THE SEEDS ON GOOD SOIL, SPROUTED AND PRODUCED A RICH ABUNDANT CROP.  That was a mouthful but it is reflective of what life really is.  We are all akin to all these seeds.  We were seeds once in our life.  We got scattered across the wide expanses of fields, to each his own

Even siblings within a family, it's a rarity to hear and see all siblings of a family follow the same road towards a common destiny?  Indeed there are stories along those lines but they are few and far in between.  What is very common to see is each of the siblings explore and thread their own unique paths, some would stumble, some would get lost in the maze and some would eventually end up with the ultimate success story.  But if you had five siblings, very likely we could hear five unique stories, NOT a common oneπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

EVen FAITH itself can't be left far behind.  As this poster says, FAITH IS LIKE A SEED THAT IS PLANTED TO GROW.  But hold on, for us to discuss FAITH could take us forever.   Seriously though, even when it comes to religion, sometimes it seemed to have triggered or exacerbated problems across communities and cultures rather than calming the minds and souls around this planet.  BUT simply to draw the analogy here between SEEDS and FAITH itself, lots and lots of SEEDS [of FAITH were scattered all over the planet but it seems each FAITH was fated to take its own courseπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Now, whether we are the fortunate SEEDS that get planted and nurtured day-in or day-out or we are those SEEDS that get scattered across and left to take its own course, whichever SEED you are, our insight today is WHEN and WHERE you can influence to shape up your fate, DON'T LEAVE A SINGLE STONE UNTURNED❗❗❗

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