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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Can't Get Sick At Sea

Can't Get Sick At Sea

Our thread today is NOT about THALASSOPHOBIA [Fear of the Ocean] but instead, we'd like to discuss the risks once we step out to face our daily tough grinds and point is you Can't Get Sick At Sea.  Once we start grinding and face all the challenges, we just CAN'T afford to fumble or even, literally, get sick.  Imagine if you're working 10,000 miles away from home and suddenly, you go unwellπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Point is, once we start on our respective endeavors, the UNTOLD condition is that we got to be 'best fit', both mentally, emotionally and physically.  Envision yourself working as an engineer in one of the deserts in Saudi Arabia, then you fall ill.  Obviously, there are first aid medical kits but WHAT IF things turn from BAD to WORSE, think of all the WHAT IFs.  Since most of the WHAT IFs are force majeure, the least we can do is mitigate the risksπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

BTW, getting sick does NOT pertain just to the medical aspect.  You can be emotionally down.  WHAT IF you are struggling with some depression?  Like it OR not, that could impact your frame of mind when at your workplace.  If you get deployed for an onsite project way far from your normal work base, there is just NO room for you to go unwell.  In your pursuit of your goals, you CANNOT even give a lame excuse for failing⏳⏳⏳

During those years when our family's annual 'ritual' was to go on our holidays, I was praying for a lot of things but topping my prayed list is for every family member NOT to go unwell prior and during our holidays.  It's true we will bring our medical kit but all the WHAT IFs can be mind boggling.  Think of that figurative example where we are fishermen going out to the seas✅✅✅

For the less fortunate ones like the blue collar ones, things could be tougher.  As they are work based on NO WORK-NO PAY basis, there will be days when one is unwell but he/she will force him/herself to go to work [all because of the NO WORK-NO PAY basis].  Indeed, life can be tough and hard but once we are up to our missions in life, there is simply NO TURNING BACK, even if you are out there in the high seas because you CAN'T GET SICK AT SEA❗❗❗

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