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Friday, September 22, 2023

So What If We're RESILIENT?

 So What If We're RESILIENT?

So What If We're RESILIENT?  Indeed that has been debated many times.  Even naysayers claim that NO one knew what RESILIENCE is or was in the past [and we all survived]!  Indeed that is TRUE, even before RESILIENCE was added by Mr Webster, RESILIENCE was there existing.  The difference was, that time, we were all unaware that that existed [then].  Voila, today we tend to be self-proclaimed experts, whew⏳⏳⏳

Heard of narratives like, 'AGAINST ALL ODDS, SHE'S STILL ALIVE'?  Yes, they may seem outlier narratives but the truth is, such narratives do happen and it's primarily because of RESILIENCE.  Before anything else, studies did dispel that RESILIENCE is related either gender and/or a combination of age and even culture.  As per studies, NOT TRUE.  Instead, those studies have found out that there were two primary drivers of RESILIENCE which, when taken together, lead to an interesting description๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

First, this is a shocking finding, that RESILIENCE is a reactive state of mind created by exposure to suffering.  Looking back at the recent pandemic, the studies showed that 'PROXIMITY TO COVID-19 INCREASES RESILIENCE'.  It seems what drove that level of RESILIENCE was how intimately one was exposed.  In short, the more you're exposed, the higher your RESILIENCE level was๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

This strongly suggests that we tend to discover our RESILIENCE only when we are forced to meet unavoidable suffering full in the face.  It's when we face that reality and see ourselves and how we respond to it, that we tend to find the basis for RESILIENCE.  Frankly, the REAL is almost always less scary that the IMAGINED, and the reality of the disease helps us with knowing that we're capable of, which is strengthening✅✅✅

I can attest to it with humility.  As I have gone through the 'wringer' numerous times, I always credit those gut-breaking challenges to have molded and built my RESILIENCE levels [and I CAN'T ask for more because I would have NOT earned my spurs in any other lesser experience.  So what's our take for today?  Let us leverage on every single difficulty we face because that leads us to stand at the very precipice of RESILIENCE❗❗❗

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