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Thursday, September 28, 2023



Yes folks this should not be bothersome,  It's OK To Fail [BUT DO IT RIGHT] but this could lead us to a pandora's box. All of us, barring the transparent ones, will admit that all along, they have been DOINT IT RIGHT but the catch-22 question is, how often have we FAILED and how often those FAILURES seem a recurring thing?  Doesn't that merit us to look back and re-examine if we are DOING IT RIGHT rather than having recurring FAILURES❓❓❓
When we try new things and FAIL, that is experimentation.  And we DON'T have to be Lab Specialists to learn from the 'EXPERIMENTS' in life.  Conversely, when we deviate from a proven practice maybe because of 'INATTENTION', that is NO less a MISTAKE.  So, it is imperative for us to know the difference and create that 'WORKSPACE' when and where we can feel psychologically safe to take on smart risks.  So, what should we do after we FAIL?  Taking a POST-MORTEM is no less than the next step to take and it has to be done thoroughly with the ROOT CAUSE pinned down no less❗❗❗
Bottomline is a previous FAILURE should NOT and NEVER repeat itself.  To quote experts, ' A FAILURE, EVEN AN INTELLIGENT FAILURE, IS NO LONGER INTELLIGENT THE SECOND TIME IT HAPPENS'.  Now, what poses a tougher question is how do we handle things we're doing the first time.  Can we just FAIL because it's the first time✅✅✅
So, is there a mitigation to reduce FAILURES of first attempts?  Yes, there is and such first-time stuff need extensive EXPERIMENTATIONS no less and there's NO other way around it.  NO one can debate that EXPERIMENTATIONS are exercises in futility.  Remove it from the equation and expect for the worst of the worst FAILURES to recur over and over again.  EXPERIMENT and we guarantee your HIT RATE to shoot up❗❗❗
Let's look no farther than competitive sports.  It's true more than 90% of aspiring sportsmen FAIL but why do we have the sports greats regardless whether it is in basketball, boxing, tennis, swimming or athletics, what do they have in common?  They all poured thousands of hours  to reach the level where they have reached.  So, IT'S OK TO FAIL [BUT DO IT RIGHT]✅✅✅

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