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Monday, September 25, 2023

Life Is Perfectly Imperfect

Life Is Perfectly Imperfect

Do we all agree with this pedestrian statement that Life Is Perfectly Imperfect?  Yesirrrrrrs absolutely.  This reminds me of this joke from Quora.com [courtesy of Euterpe Muse]:  Rakesh is 35 yrs old and still single.  One day, a friend asked, 'WHY ARE YOU NOT MARRIED?  Rakesh replied, ACTUALLY I'VE FOUND MANY WOMEN I WANT TO MARRY BUT WHEN I BRING THEM HOME TO MEET MY PARENTS, MY MOM DOESN'T LIKE THEM'💞💞💞

His friend pauses and says, 'JUST FIND ONE WHO IS JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER'.  Few months later, they meet again and his friend asks, 'DID YOU FIND A PERFECT GIRL YET?  DID YOUR MOTHER LIKE HER?  With a frown on his face, Rakesh says, 'YES I FOUND THE PERFECT GIRL. SHE WAS JUST LIKE MY MOTHER.  MY MOM LIKED HER VERY MUCH'.  Then the friend asks, 'THEN WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM?' Rakesh replied, 'NOW MY FATHER DOES NOT LIKE HER'📌📌📌

Indeed, that's how frustratingly life can be imperfect.  Not even if you attempted AMERICA'S GOT TALENT.  Would you expect judges like Simon Cowell to give you a PERFECT 10HELL NO.  That's our problem with PERFECTION.  The desire to be PERFECT burdens many people and ironically dooms them to unhappiness,  At first, we might think that trying to be PERFECT is desirable.  Let's take a close look at that belief.  PERFECTION does suggest a state of flawlessness, without any defects for that matter.  Seeking PERFECTION at a particular task might be achievable and certainly, students can strive to attain a perfect grade✅✅✅

Yet Yet Yet, the goal of being PERFECT in life is altogether a different story.  Even a machine or electronic device may operate PERFECTLY [at least for a while].  Over time, it will wear down and require repair.  BUT hey, isn't it we humans were NEVER intended to be PERFECT!  That's part of the definition of being human.  Heard of the expression, "I'M JUST HUMAN".  We really need to remind ourselves that the goal ISN'T to emulate a machine BUT to embrace the imperfection of being human❗❗❗

Problem is, even in our cross-cultures, we move relentlessly towards greater emphasis on achievement and goal focus and when we do so, we seem to lose that capacity for wonder and awe.  Ironically, if someone ever could achieve that impossible state of PERFECTION, it is likely that very few people would accept that.  Again, it's all because LIFE IS PERFECTLY IMPERFECT➕➕➕

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