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Saturday, September 30, 2023

RETHINK If You're 'Bout To GIVE UP!

RETHINK If You're 'Bout To GIVE UP!

RETHINK If You're 'Bout To GIVE UP!  Yes, those are strong words because we just WON'T and CAN'T hold back and just tap your wrist if you seem to be going wayward.  As studies have proven time and again, what matters most in the midst of our struggles is the ELEMENT of TIMEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Yes, we DON'T end up quitting because we find ourselves facing too many obstacles or obstacles that may be too strong.  We then end up quitting because we're too weak. However, deep inside me, the inflection point at which we can no longer avoid paying attention to the idea of quitting, that is, the point of which our strength fails us, can be changed.  We can become stronger by challenging our weakness even if at first we DON'T succeedπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Increasing our RESILIENCE, both mental and physical, will be an arduous process that's very rarely linear.  That is, it is a process filled with STOPS and STARTS, periods of either progress and periods of regression.  If we're running in a marathon and with leg cramps we decide to quit halfway, quitting that marathon halfway through should give us the BENEFIT of the EFFORT we made while still in that marathon up to the point where we decide to quit.  Those efforts should strengthen us enough over time as long as we DIDN'T allow our quitting to stop us from going back out the next❎❎❎
That same principle should apply any time we make an effort to break new ground in any new arena or endeavor.  The KEY to SUCCESS is simply to keep coming back for more, even if you quit short of your goal several times over, until you find yourself strong enough NOT to give in WHEN your body OR your mind are telling you to.  Just because you do quit, even a hundred times in a row, the experiences you have up until the various points at which you do are the very things that develop the RESILIENCE you need to win in the end❗❗❗

It os true that the risk of becoming grounded in SELF-DEFEATING thoughts when you're defeated by yourself [because you chose to GIVE UP] , we should note, is far greater than when you're defeated by something else.  It may very well be psychologically easier to get yourself to try again in the latter case than in the former you're far more likely to buy into a narrative that defines YOU as a QUITTER and thus, undeserving of SUCCESS.  So, you got to RETHINK IF YOU'RE 'BOUT TO GIVE UP✅✅✅

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