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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Aspire To Inspire [BEFORE YOU EXPIRE]

Aspire To Inspire [BEFORE YOU EXPIRE]

This is a recycled question but allow me to recycle it again because till to date, I DON'T seem satisfied with the answer I'm getting:  ARE LEADERS BORN or MADE?  Me thinks, if LEADERS ARE BORN, those gifted ones should be as few as the number of fingers we have, considering that the great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs and even Martin Luther King have all passed away.  So, that's my take, we can develop ourselves to be LEADERS.  So, it should NOT be a stretch for us all to Aspire To Inspire [BEFORE YOU EXPIRE]πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Frankly, that age-old question [if LEADERS ARE BORN or MADE] has captured so much attention, all aiming to unravel the complex nature of LEADERSHIP and its origins.  My safe answer to that age-old question is likely a combination of both.  While some individuals may possess certain natural qualities that facilitate LEADERSHIP, developing those traits and acquiring additional skills through experience cannot be overlooked as well✅✅✅

One expert view I came across is that most of the SUCCESS STORIES point out that most of it are 'MADE'.  To be specific, the research shows that one-third are BORN, two-thirds are MADE.  And that is good news to us who continue to be focused in developing our potentials as leaders.  BTW, we won't sit at this point unless we try to pinpoint the foundational things we need to set up [if we want to progress, if at all]πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Topping the short list of traits we need to harness is DECISIVENESS because as leaders, we will be making tough calls [when we are UNDER FIRE] and even when it's NOT the best or most popular thing to do.  We have witnessed leaders who made tough, unpopular DECISIONS because that was the right [and best] choice.  That means making timely DECISIONS with confidence and NOT resting on your laurels, even if you DON'T pull the trigger on a DECISIONπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Next, you got to be consistently FAIR.  You WALK THE TALK and follow your own rules to the same degree for everyone without bias OR favoritism toward anyone.  BUT here's a warning:  some of your DECISIONS may be unpopular at times.  If you end up as a LEADER who fears being unliked, one day you, as a WEAK LEADER will be exposed.  So, c'mon, as this poster goes, LET'S BE MORE CONCERNED WITH OUR FOOTPRINT THAN OUR FOOTWEAR.  Let's ASPIRE TO INSPIRE [before we expire]❗❗❗

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