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Thursday, September 28, 2023

What Separates The DOER From The DUD?

What Separates The DOER From The DUD?

Before anything else, please allow me to clear-up things.  While I admit I'm a self-proclaimed DOER, there is NO intent here to put down [or worse, push down] the DUD because I was a DUD too several times in the past.  So, What Separates The DOER From The DUD?  I think this deserves space in our thread today if only to continue encouraging the DOERS to continue sustaining their SUCCESSES and enlighten the DUD that they are NOT approaching the END OF THE TUNNEL, yet

It is a GIVEN that there is a sizable percentage of the population who were born with a silver spoon but those are outliers.  So, what's the best ever advice we would receive from practically almost all experts and inspirational gurus?  INVEST IN YOURSELF, period.  Their main argument is that ANYTHING THAT IMPROVES YOUR OWN TALENT is the best ever investment you can infuse.  This advice revolves around the idea that KNOWLEDGE is our ultimate asset✅✅✅
Let's take a sneak preview of the common habits of the successful names across industries.  They admit spending a considerable slice of their time everyday READING, LEARNING and STAYING INFORMED about various markets and industries. If we're an entrepreneur, we can apply this principle by embracing continuous learning and staying updated in the goings-on.  Investing to LEARN equips and leads us to reach INFORMED DECISIONS, and even spot opportunities and adapt to the rapidly changing landscape these days❗❗❗
INVESTING in oneself is NOT limited to learning new things.  Let us expand that to include SELF-IMPROVEMENTS which can encompass building SELF-CONFIDENCE and continuously improving your skills.  As our journey is filled with challenges and risks, and worst, uncertainty.  By investing in our personal growth, we'll develop SELF-CONFIDENCE, boldness and resilience to face these obstacles head-on and overcome them when we face obstacles💎💎💎
One gaping hole that is buried deep beyond the surface is for us to identify and leverage our strengths as it becomes critical for us to understand our unique capabilities which can help us focus on areas where we excel.  BUT there's a flip side to this though.  We need to develop that SELF-AWARENESS to know what tasks to take on and what tasks that fall outside your expertise to delegate to others who can handle them better, thus optimizing your time and your efforts as well.  And DON'T forget to INVEST IN DOING WORK YOU LOVE because the biggest lesson here is improving ourselves as it stands gthe test of time and is even apropos in this age of QUITE QUITTING.  You just got to know if you're a DOER or a DUD❓❓❓

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