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Friday, September 15, 2023

Defying Gravity

Defying Gravity

Morning folks.  Our thread today is NOT an attempt to discuss science or even get into the turf of Minecraft because either way, that's foreign to me.  Instead, we'd like to discuss Defying Gravity in our life.  This is NOT an attempt as well to get into any discussion related to astronomy but it is WHEN and HOW are we Defying Gravity when we face life's challenges๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Indeed, Defying Gravity is quite unthinkable.  Imagine as it involves an uphill battle, requiring us to move upstream, cut against the grain, then take that narrow way as opposed to the easy way.  That is a clear definition when we are Defying Gravity.  I remember several decades back, I was just wrapping my first university year in our province when I told myself I will NOT be one to be left out rotting in the province.  I told myself I deserve more than the situation I was in, at that time, simply because I was cocksure of my potentials, albeit undiscovered yet๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

At that point in time, if someone asked me my probability to succeed when I plunge into that glitzy, alluring yet cruel capital city, I would admit that I'll peg my chances by 5% at best.  Indeed, at that point, I clearly knew that I was courting or breaching Defying Gravity.  But whether I was optimistic, I covered that shortfall of optimism with my stubborn gung-ho intestinal fortitude๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

This Defying Gravity challenge is akin to the Wizard of Oz which is essentially about a journey of discovering what you already have.  By facing their fears, the character named Dorothy and her three comrades came to find that they already had what they thought they lacked, e.g. home, brains, heart and courage.  So, essentially we are into our journey in life✅✅✅

Do, our journey in life is really about getting to know, accept and work with the person we already are.  Indeed, this is the kind of change in itself.  BUT the emphasis is on putting one step in front of the other as you follow the path that is laid out before you, paving your way to be Defying Gravity in life❗❗❗

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