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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Be Okay With Yourself

Be Okay With Yourself

Much as we hear that, by nature, man is selfish, let's dive-in and zoom into our lives.  Have we been that selfish most of the times?  Sometimes, we do, we are but NOT most of the times.  Instead, let's reflect and we'll realize that we have been thinking and caring more for others rather than ourselves.  Our loved ones, our families, our REAL friends, and even our work colleagues, often we spend more time  [& effort] thinking about their welfare than our very own selves.  BUT we need to Be Okay With Yourself, first and foremost.  WHAT happens if we're NOT okayπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

I did bear witness first hand to people WHO really gave everything they have [till to date], their time, attention, monies and everything to take care of his/her loved one[s] WHO indeed needs to be taken cared of.  And that is indeed appreciated well enough and understandable if one's loved one[s] has tons and tons of regular medicines as part of one's maintenance [BUT it should NOT be at the expense of the very person defraying all the expenses]πŸ“˜πŸ“—πŸ“™

How many times have you stopped yourself from saying things that you wanted to say worrying that WHAT impression would make of you?  WOULD you appear silly, bossy, stupid OR arrogant?  WHEN was the last morning WHEN you woke up and felt excited about doing WHAT you actually wanted to do rather than WHAT you had to do?  WHEN was the last time you had the thought that you DIDN'T need caffeine to keep you goin throughout the day?  I remember stumbling across this quote:  ABOUT ALL YOU CAN DO IN LIFE IS BE WHO YOU ARE. SOME PEOPLE WILL LOVE YOU FOR YOU.  MOST WILL LOVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THEMπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

Thing is, life goes too fast, the best way to make sure you are living it is to stop for a while, analyze things once and decide WHAT's best.  We do all make plans for our life and for some of us life DOESN'T always turn out to be the way we wanted it to be.  BUT that DOESN'T mean we are unfortunate OR unlucky.  It's just that we [probably] made wrong assumptions along the wayπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Now, sometimes [and probably many times], we suffer setbacks in life.  AND THAT'S OKAY.  Making mistakes, taking wrong judgments, unable to meet expectations, having NO willpower OR even succumbing under pressure.  Our takeaway?  We've all hit that bump on the road.  DON'T be too hard on yourself OR rush into the process of 'BEING OKAY' because it's OKAY that NOT everything is OKAY in your life all the time.  Please BE OKAY WITH YOURSELF, whatever it takesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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