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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Change, Change, Change

Change, Change, Change

Change, Change, Change.  Regardless, whether 2023 was a banner year for you OR it was [another] so-so year, you are WHAT you think.  And if you're only thinking about problems and sorrows, very likely and sadly, that will be likely what you will attract in your life.  BUT if you change your perspective and start thinking about solutions and opportunities, you're like sending vibrations to attract an abundance of themπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Poetically, allow me to quote this:  INSTEAD OF COMPLAINING THAT THE ROSE BUSH IS FULL OF THORNS, BE HAPPY THE THORN BUSH HAS ROSES.  If on a sad note that you seem to be accumulating a lot of NEGATIVITY inside you due to all the things happening in your life from the most petty to the major ones, it is very likely that you will be both inhaling and exhaling nothing but NEGATIVITY❎❎❎

Have we ever looked at unfortunate circumstances in our life and thought you are going through this simply because you DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE?  If you agree to this, I beg to disagree because each one of us is having many choices and we are exercising them everyday, down to every second.  Frankly, we got and we make many choices every dayπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Let's rattle off some real-life CHOICES we make:
  • We set the alarm clock 5am in time to work 8am
  • We drive our car instead of taking the public bus
  • At work, you take on other task to help the team
  • At your sales work, you field cold calls as priority
  • On the way home, we buy something for our kid
  • By weekend, you went grocery instead of accepting an invitation to attend a social event
  • By Sunday, you decided to do a 'carwash' at home instead of bringing it to a nearby 'carwash'
What's our takeaway today?  The best way to CHANGE our life is to take OWNERSHIP and ACT.  If you want to learn ChatGPT, ACT.  If you want to start saving for your dream holiday, ACT.  If you want to improve your financials, ACT.  If you want your health to 'turnaround', ACT.  In fact, anything you want, you need to ACT.  Nothing is going to CHANGE if you aren't willing to CHANGE yourself.  Be confident about yourself and take that LEAP of FAITH for us to CHANGE❗❗❗

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