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Saturday, April 20, 2024



Many times, we shoot from the hip much faster and even before we could validate OR digest things.  South Korean A-Lister actor Lee Sun-kyun was the latest one who took on his own life when he was accused of being a drug user by the police.  By the time the drug test result was NEGATIVE, hefty fines arising from commercial contracts had already been imposed on the poor actor.  Even after his death, his wife had to file for bankruptcy because they CAN'T pay the hefty fines imposed based on the onerous contracts๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Allow me to share this Quora.com post by Norton Karp.

A boss is walking through his company observing his workers doing their jobs and happy that everything is humming along perfectly until he sees a young kid leaning against a wall doing nothing. Just staring at his phone and scrolling.

The boss is fuming. He storms up to the kid and yells; “WHAT DO YOU MAKE A WEEK?”

The young kid just stammers at the red-faced man; “Ah, about $250.”

The boss reaches into his pocket and starts counting out $500, shoves it into the startled kid's hand, and yells; “NOW GET OUT! AND DON’T COME BACK!!”

The kid hurriedly leaves.

A few seconds later, a junior manager walks out, looks around, and asks the boss; “Where’s that messenger waiting to take our package downtown?”

From those Wild Wild West movies I watched during my childhood, GUNSLINGERS from the Wild West often lived another day by quickly grabbing their Colt 45s to put an end to a threat.  The latest version of GUN SLINGING is happening everyday across the globe as salespeople 'shoot from the hip' in meetings with sales prospects, usually relying on memory alone for the questions asked.  This often leads to poor marksmanship as details are inevitably missed as they focus too much on WHAT they are going to ask next versus hearing every little nuance and detail being told to them.  In the end, they could miss their target๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
The above-mentioned Quora.com story is, of course, a joke, but it happens REAL-LIFE.  I do bear witness to countless times when people are prematurely judged either based on biases OR the unvalidated raw information  which, often, are plain and simple hogwash and baloney.  BUT what's troubling is that because of PREMATURE JUDGMENT, people get destroyed [hear that most recent suicide in South Korea] and even relationships end up NOT just strained but shattered❎❎❎
I may NOT be a law enforcement officer but it behooves on each one of us to advocate REASONABLE and JUST fair play.  Sad enough because when social media comes into the picture, one seemingly harmless rumor can get retweeted faster than the Australian bushfires.  NOT SO FAST, dude❌❌❌

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