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Tuesday, April 23, 2024



Getting QUALITY SLEEP?  I am NOT into the medical field so I won't put up a false facade that this thread is within my turf.  BUT even if you just tap Mr Google, he tells you that QUALITY SLEEP will lead you outright to numerous benefits, topped by that benefit that you may lower your risk of serious health problems [like heart disease and diabetes and a lot more.   So, I guess our thread today is worth itπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

BUT do you know that good SLEEP habits [sometimes referred to as 'SLEEP HYGIENE'] can help you get a good QUALITY SLEEP?  And in real life, SLEEPING well gets complicated when more than one person is involved BUT many people relish that SENSE of SAFETY and SECURITY that can come from sharing a bed with your spouse/partner BUT for some couples, the 'level of disturbance' starts to override the psychological benefits'πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

There was a JAN 2023 survey by SleepFoundation.org which found that 53% who decided to sleep separately said it improved their SLEEP quality BUT, that 'SLEEP DIVORCE' is NOT the only option though.  Be mindful if our spouse/partner is considered as a 'RESTLESS SLEEPER', someone who drifts IN and OUT of SLEEP or moves around a lot.  Medical specialists advise that restless sleepers have an underlying SLEEP disorderπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Studies also show that SLEEP patterns are partly hard-wired and couples may run into issues WHEN trying to sync up.  Night owls may be fidgety simply because they're NOT really tired yet and that can keep a morning lark awake.  SLEEP experts even advise to consider that maybe one person just needs to get into bed earlier than the other and get into a good, sound SLEEP before the night owl comes in☝☝☝
NOT to unduly raise alarms, experts claim that sometimes, restlessness is simply a sign of discomfort and a few tweaks can lead to a good payoff and that can cut down on the tossing and turning.  For some, it's that damn phone he keeps fiddling even at 2am.  Knock on wood, if SLEEP APNEA, Insomnia OR Narcolepsy creeps in, consider treatment for you to get get that QUALITY SLEEPπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

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