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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

WHO Sets Your Standards In Life?

WHO Sets Your Standards In Life?

STANDARDS are both inevitable and indispensable.  WHY?  You have a STANDARD for everything you do, whether it's buying a new shirt or working on your career.  There is a certain THRESHOLD where things pass from unbearable to frustrating to acceptable.  Question is, WHO Sets Your Standards In Life❓❓❓

As STANDARDS form the basis around which we determine our daily needs, being aware of your personal STANDARDS and their impact on your life is a crucial stage of self-awareness.  High STANDARDS often lead us to work longer and even harder on the task BUT that can also lead to greater DOUBTS and FRUSTRATIONS.  Low STANDARDS are much easier to meet and be content with, BUT you risk limiting yourself from doing anything above average if you only try to hit your low STANDARDSπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

There's even GOOD LIFE to consider. My own definition of a GOOD LIFE might be so humbling like just meeting squarely my basic needs!@#? Whereas your definition of GOOD LIFE includes hobnobbing at the CxO-level in the corporate world, being a top-tier executive of global OR Fortune 500 company.  There you go, the gap between that so humble [pardon me, I'll call it LOWLY] STANDARDS versus your challenging STANDARDS are as wide as the oceansπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

In brief, STANDARDS are everywhere. Your clothes must fit you well.  Your coffee must only come from the best Arabica in town.  Your tea must be NO less than Twinnings.  Your furnitures and fixtures at home should be for the long-term no less.  You send your children to the best schools [REGARDLESS if you are struggling to let both ends meet, from a financial perspective].  All these decisions DON'T require you to consider their place in your life because you already set those STANDARDS likely a long time ago✅✅✅

Ooooops, what about your work though?  At WHAT point do you switch from thinking it was a bad day to thinking you were productive?  WHAT amount of work do you expect from yourself each day?  The answers to these questions can be an essential part of planning your day, especially if you work from home OR have the opportunity to determine your hours.  WHEN you know WHAT your end goal is, that leads you to craft your STANDARDS, even evolving it, tweaking it.  So, WHO SETS YOUR STANDARDS IN LIFE.  No one else but YOU, dude❗❗❗

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