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Monday, April 22, 2024



Are you stingy when it comes to monies?  That's understandable.  That's a GIVENBUT my subtle question is, are you stingy with WORD, with COMPLIMENTS? Think about it, how much will it cost you at least in efforts exerted?  Very very minimal, if at all.  That POWER of COMPLIMENTS will just burn a few calories, in fact📙📘📗

I, for one, CALLING SPADE A SPADE is intrinsically part of my persona.  I just DON'T mince words.  If someone is mediocre, I won't look the other way around.  BUT if someone does his task way beyond expectations and sometimes taking that Xtra mile, I won't miss that opportunity to compliment as well.  The last working day of December 2023 was never different.  I looked back the calendar year and I took note of each service group all around our organization and for those with year-round consistencies of support, the least I can reciprocate is to compliment the support groups and cited specific names who did stand out💴💷💵

WHAT happens after we COMPLIMENT someone?  BTW, the COMPLIMENTs I'm referring to, goes beyond superficial ones like 'your haircut looks great' OR 'your speech was so good'.  Because the COMPLIMENTS I'm referring to are the deep-seated words of appreciation, like COMPLIMENTING a service support group for their help the whole year❗❗❗

Thing is, COMPLIMENTS makes us feel good.  TRY IT. DO IT.  Whether it is GIVING or RECEIVING, that feeling of being valued and appreciated works both ways.  Studies tell us that feeling valued and appreciated are BASIC HUMAN NEEDS since APPRECIATION is also foundational in relationships, both those with partners/spouses and with friends.  It is part of WHAT makes us want to cooperate and collaborate with those around us😀😀😀

COMPLIMENTS help us communicate that appreciation we feel toward one another.  And that makes us feel good as well.  Social Scientists also found that being paid a COMPLIMENT actually lights up the same parts of your brain that get activated WHEN you get paid a monetary award.  BTW, it's NOT just the receiver who walks away better off.  COMPLIMENTS benefit the giver too.  Being in the habit of giving COMPLIMENTS help us notice and appreciate WHAT's good and WHAT we like.  Having said all these, COMPLIMENTS must be SINCERE and SPECIFIC.  That POWER of COMPLIMENTS✅✅✅

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