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Monday, April 8, 2024

'NO MAN IS AN ISLAND' - John Donne

'NO MAN IS AN ISLAND' - John Donne

Till to date, this is the shortest quote with the longest meaning embedded in my lifetime, THAT 'NO MAN IS AN ISLAND' [by John Donne].  True, we meet PEOPLE, we meet strangers, and then, some friends WHO bring out the best in us and splash a palette of colors in an otherwise [sometimes] monotonous black-and-white life.  BTW, WHO we are and WHAT we become CAN'T be a one-man effort.  Everyone in our lives holds a stake in turning us into the person we are.  Their thoughts, their outlook in life, and their passion burns way beyond their own lifeπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

Let's face it, PEOPLE leave pieces of themselves in us just as we do in them.  We are all the PEOPLE we've met and all the people we've lost.  We are all the EXES that loved us and all the crushes that DIDN'T.  We are all the PEOPLE who are still in our lives and the PEOPLE who have left though.  It's just a tragedy that love DOESN'T reign every timeπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

BUT it's a bigger tragedy WHEN we erase PEOPLE from our lives and pretend like they DON'T exist anymore.  We've always heard that we're supposed to let someone go totally.  That will NEVER heal if they're still around anyways.  Heck, even if someone says that it has run its full course, it's time for us to let it goπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

BUT we need to realize that LETTING GO does NOT always necessarily mean forgetting OR erasing that person because we CAN'T.  Indeed, it's heartbreaking to leave OR to be left.  That aching feeling WHEN you learn that your love was unrequited love OR that a shared moment with another person could NOT amount to anything more, leaves you feeling so empty and numb, maybe.  One second you're head over heels with them as they sit across the dinner table.  Next thing you know, you're wondering IF that was the last moment you shared with them ❗❗❗

Indeed, this is a thought-provoking topic to cover BUT let's never push ourselves in a cocoon OR a cave just because you've got everything in life.  THAT does NOT guarantee the status quo in life because, knock on wood, one day, you will need someone next to you.  To quote John Donne, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND❎❎❎

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