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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

That Elusive PEACE OF MIND?

That Elusive PEACE OF MIND?

That Elusive PEACE OF MIND?  Not really that elusive.  You and I would agree that in most days in our life, we do have that PEACE OF MIND, NOT until when ANGER creeps in.  Then, it throws a monkey wrench on you situation.  Visualize a tornado that comes from nowhere and wreaks down the whole countryside, turns houses upside down.  Very much like ANGER❎❎❎
For alignment, PEACE OF MIND is defined as that mental state of CALMNESS or tranquility.  And it may also include that freedom from worry and anxiety.  And WHEN our minds are buzzing with thoughts, it can be intense and that overwhelming.  We just want some PEACE OF MIND, which is to say we want a calm, relaxed and content mind☝☝☝
Now, let's run a pulse check.  Many of us are on our smart phones and gadgets practically 24x7, either overwhelmed by too much work, and nervous about our future.  It's hardly surprising that we struggle to calm our minds or turn off our racing thoughts.  BUT lucky for us, this is NOT the end of the world for us📌📌📌
And so, desperate for some inner calm, we tend to resort to QUICK FIXES.  Deep breathing.  Xanax and get into a movie binge with Netflix, hoping desperately to CALM THE STORM inside our minds, even for awhile.  BUT alas, there are NO quick fixes WHEN it comes to PEACE of MIND.  It's NOT something that can bought OR willed into existence in a moment.  Instead, it must be cultivated, albeit slowly and surely.  Studies show that for those WHO are successful in creating CALMER and more peaceful MINDS may arrive there slowly😀😀😀
Apparently, studies show that developing simple MENTAL HABITS can lead us to more PEACEFUL minds.  In its simplest form, MINDFULNESS just means keeping your attention in the PRESENT rather than the past OR even the future.  Your mind becomes more chaotic and turbulent WHEN it's bouncing around between past mistakes and regrets and even future worries and fears.  Unfortunately, this tendency to get stuck in mental time travel can become a habit, and worse, an addiction.  Our takeaway today:  THAT ELUSIVE PEACE OF MIND, it's ALL IN THE MIND.  Reset and reboot your mind and take control from thereon dude❗❗❗

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