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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Why Value MORE The Unknowns & Value LESS The Familiar Ones?

Why Value MORE The Unknowns & Value LESS The Familiar Ones?

There is something prevailing across ages, across cultures which perplexes me no end, Why Value MORE The Unknowns & Value LESS The Familiar Ones?  Sounds familiar?  WHEN people often DON'T appreciate things that happen to them all the time.  The more you are familiar with something, the LESS you value itπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

The easier something comes to you, the higher its chance to be taken for granted.  Maybe that's the reason there's a saying, 'EASY COME, EASY GO'?  When LOVE comes too easy, the LESS you value it.  For people who rarely experience that thing called LOVE, surely they value it MORE.  They would, in fact, crave for those thingsπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Let's do admit that people's values and priorities can [WIDELY] vary and it's NOT uncommon for individuals to form strong emotional connections to people they may NOT know personally such as celebrities OR public figures.  This can be due to admiration for their achievements, talents OR perceived ideals.  However, it's important to note that valuing an UNKNOWN person more than one's family is NOT a universal experience❎❎❎

Since some things can be influenced by individual circumstances and personal relationships and let's be mindful that family dynamics, personal history and individual psychology all play a role in shaping an individual's values and relationships.  BUT again, does that explain as to WHY, generally, we value MORE the UNKNOWNS and value LESS the familiar ones❌❌❌

Oh, I like this quote from an UNKNOWN.  It's like saying let's make ourselves SCARCE?  Ironically, this insight leads us to that path.  BUT here's the reality.  For those who are loved and peacefully settled in 'family setups', lucky enough to experience LOVE to its fullest, take a moment to think about it.  Be grateful because NOT everyone gets to feel WHAT you feel.  Be GRATEFUL because you have a place to come home.  Be GRATEFUL because you get to be vulnerable a a world where you have to pretend everything's fine.  Be GRATEFUL because in a life full of UNCERTAINTY, you have one thing that you are certain about.  Be GRATEFUL because despite your imperfections, someone NOT just accepts you for WHO you are, but showers and pampers you with the LOVE, which sometimes you more than deserve.  LOVE LOVE LOVEπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

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