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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What's The Aftermath Of Your 'BUSYNESS'

What's The Aftermath Of Your 'BUSYNESS'

I am NOT one to insinuate a sweeping allegation that we are BUSY DOING NOTHING but let's think about it please.  What's The Aftermath Of Your 'BUSYNESS'?  I'm absolutely sure that no one can claim that he was 100% productive of the 100% time he/she was 'BUSY'!@#$%?  I am even confident that 30% at the very least would admit that he/she was NOT legitimately BUSY💴💷💵

To be fair, many of us are legitimately BUSY.  You need NOT look farther than our spouse-housewife WHO, may not have a full-time job BUT hey, she's working and grinding damn hard effectively around the clock, on her foot when everyone's snoring and still down there when most of us are into our gadgets by then.  So, this leaves us no room at all to cast aspersion because legitimately, they are that BUSY and frankly, many times, OVERLOADED.  Where's the beef here?  When one's OVERLOADED, next step is to PRIORITIZE.  BUT let's face it, if you have a laundry list, how can you PRIORITIZE📗📙📘

Now, let's take a step back.  WHAT are the ramifications of being BUSY, regardless if your being BUSY is legitimate OR not.  First off, being BUSY means you become LESS creative.  WHY?  As you're so focused on your task[s] at hand, what else can encourage you to be creative?  Secondly, that kills outright your SELF-DEVELOPMENT.  How in the world can you think of learning new skills, being proactive in learning if you're that BUSY!@#$?

The ramifications of BUSYNESS goes way deep beyond the surface.  As hectic and frustrating as modern life can be, the biggest dangers are NOT material OR temporal inconveniences.  A person can do physical labor twelve hours a day, six days a week throughout his lifetime and still, NOT suffer many ill effects.  BUT if the strain is MENTAL, as is the case for most jobs and for most of us, the NEGATIVE impact on the body can be huge.  So, let us NOT please ignore the potential physical harm BUSYNESS may bring about❎❎❎

The harsh consequence behind our lives is that WHEN we are CRAZY BUSY, we put our souls at risk.  The challenge is NOT merely to make a few bad habits go away.  The CHALLENGE is to NOT let our spiritual lives fritter away, slip away.  The dangers are serious enough and this is NOT hyperbole, because such dangers are ever growing and increasing.  And YET, a few of us still [wrongly] think that we are safely ensconced from whatever the AFTERMATH OF YOUR BUSYNESS brings forth.  No sirrrrs, that risk, that threat is damn real because it's happening day-in day-out now❌❌❌

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