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Monday, April 22, 2024

FOCUS Issue?

FOCUS Issue?

FOCUS Issue? Normally, this is NOT something that's quite earthshaking as everyone's attention tends to drift at times, like when you lose concentration for a moment while doing routine tasks.  Many people shrug off these lapses in FOCUS as 'senior moments' BUT they might be related to a vulnerable brain process which psychologists call as "EXECUTIVE FUNCTION', which as per research, that helps to plan, make decisions, and even pay attention.  But these experts claim that this 'EXECUTIVE FUNCTION' peaks alongside other brain functions in your early 20s and gradually diminishes over time๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

Good news to us all, that 'degradation' process is slow.  Having said this, studies show that everyone's brain is wired and programmed differently, and some people struggle with attention more than others.  And if such symptoms do surface, let us NOT ignore it as likely there is an underlying condition๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Meanwhile, Harvard Medical recommends that we contain such degraded FOCUS by:

  • TRACK that lack of attention.  
  • PRACTICE mindfulness meditation.
  • STOP distractions, e.g. notifications, devices
  • WORK in blocks of time - research shows that working in small chunks of time with rest and break in between to help improve FOCUS
  • ENGAGE your brain - get involved in things that need more mental effort
  • STAY SOCIAL - social engagements protects against loneliness, which leads to depression, anxiety and stress๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
As DISTRACTIONS are infinite, it's essential you remove certain behaviors from your life.  But removing such behaviors is just the very first step because at the end of the day, FOCUS is a skill.  It can be developed over time.  BUT that's far down the road yet as you need to set yourself up for SUCCESS for now✅✅✅
To start on our 'baby steps', let us FOCUS in 'obliterating' MULTI-TASKING.  Studies have showed that MULTI-TASKING is 'melting' our brain.  It is stopping us from being able to FOCUS on one thing at a time.  And as a result, that is leading us to create a 'below average' work.  If you're trying to write something while listening to music with repetitive lyrics, very likely you will NOT be able write anything substantive.  But dude, let's aim for this low-hanging fruit❗❗❗

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