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Friday, April 26, 2024

Harsh On Yourself?

Harsh On Yourself?

Our childhood is donkey years behind us BUT suddenly I realized that WHEN we were children, more often than NOT, we felt confident.  We seem to have that 'SPARK' of innocence and joy and we DIDN'T know WHAT it was to feel inadequate.  BUT as we grow up, our worlds get bigger and more complex.  As a result, we start to wonder if we're good enough.  So, are you Harsh On Yourself๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

We might even end up comparing ourselves to others OR we might end up setting unrealistic expectations to ourselves based on other people's standards.  This is particularly the case WHEN it comes to perfectionism.  WHENEVER we want to do something, it has to be done just right, even if it means spending hours on end agonizing over WHAT simple word should go in a sentence, or WHICH outfit looks best. HOW can we stop being so hard on ourself๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ’ก

Studies show that one of the best ways to stop being HARD on ourself is to understand the very roots of one's PERFECTIONISM.  For some, it might be that they never got the support they needed growing up.  For others, it might be their fear of failure.  WHATEVER the reason is, understanding WHY you are so hard on yourself is the first step to overcoming it๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

If you can relate to someone being hard on oneself, it may also mean you're hard on yourself.  And this can take the form of harsh, punitive judgments, overanalyzing shortcomings and rumination over minor missteps, worry and assuming fault.  Perhaps you have thought that self-criticism is WHAT keeps you sharp BUT sensitive strivers often use it as a form of MOTIVATION, so they get compelled to perform❎❎❎

BUT numerous researches show that self-criticism is what really keeps one sharp enough.  The downside is that self-criticism is deemed as a 'poor strategy' by experts.  WHY?  Because when used excessively, it is associated with LESS MOTIVATION, worse self-control and greater procrastination.  So dude, will you still be harsh on yourself❔❔❔

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