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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

When Do You QUENCH Or QUELL Your Thirst?

When Do You QUENCH Or QUELL Your Thirst?

When Do You QUENCH Or QUELL Your Thirst? Well, we would QUENCH our thirst when we feel thirsty, obviously.  How often do we hear, 'I'VE FINISHED MY MAIN COURSE BUT I'M STILL HUNGRY'.  Even that expression may just be a SIGN of the TIMES.  And the Baby Boomers may well be the last generation to experience life in the traditional stages, namely, PREPARING FOR WORKING LIFE, your WORKING LIFE and then your life AFTER WORKING LIFE๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต
It happens already even when eating as we NO longer limit ourselves to a sitting of entree, main course and dessert.  We eat what we like to eat.  Our perception of our traditional journey through life is going the same way with people deciding WHEN and for HOW long they will work and in whatever order suits one's thinking.  We tend to live life ON OUR OWN TERMS.  No longer is life centered on work though of course work still serves a vital role to our lives๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
So, WHAT do we want in our 'dessert years'?  WHAT will be the unique ingredients in your preferred recipe?  Certainly, you want it to taste great and to satisfy your hunger to keep on moving forward, growing in mind, body and spirit, enjoyed to the last drop.  Fact is, we live in a rapidly-changing, highly mobile society where individual creativity, innovation, challenge and the DESIRE to keep moving forward is becoming the norm.  In fact, age means little now as we unleash our talents๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
The 'dessert years'. however, are less about a period of time in our life.  More they are about a change in our attitude towards what life is all about.  The 'dessert years' begin when we start thinking about a transition in our life's priorities from doing WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO to doing WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO.  For most of that transition begins to take place long before any thought of quitting paid employment❗❗❗
Transitioning from making WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO and moving over to WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO won't happen overnight BUT the very thought will drive us towards our coming years.  They say everything happens in three's and that applies to life itself.  Thing is, our life is a CONTINUUM IN PROGRESS, growth and self-actualization.  Takeaway today is for us to know WHEN to QUENCH or QUELL our THIRST in life✅✅✅

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