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Friday, January 5, 2024

WHAT IF You're Not Invited To The Party?

WHAT IF You're Not Invited To The Party?

WHAT IF You're Not Invited To The Party?  Oh yes, indeed it is a tough situation to never get invited to anything.  It would make you feel LEFT OUT, and it will be much harder for you to get into that 'CIRCLE' that gives the misguided impression of exclusivity.  And as terrible as the situation is, there are a lot of things we can do to ensure we get 'pulled in' in various ways and means the next time around💴💷💵

NOT all of that can be your fault though.  There will always be a lot of external factors that fall into play as well.  BUT here's a bright note to an otherwise gloomy horizon.  While there are things that are way BEYOND your CONTROL, there are things you can ACTUALLY change.  And that's WHAT and WHERE we should focus on.  Of course you need to do some real soul-searching like and you'll be surprise that by embedding some of these very obvious observations📗📙📘

And the most obvious reason is we may NOT be that close enough with the people around us.  Let's face it, sometimes we expect to be INVITED to join a 'circle' BUT since we DON'T have a 'concrete relationship' with those around us, it never crosses the minds of others to ever INVITE us, if at all💎💎💎

Sometimes, personalities come into play.  Like WHAT IF others [wrongly] perceive us as 'NOT FUN TO BE AROUND'.  As terrible as it may sound, let's admit it that there are people WHO never give INVITED to anything because they're "UNFUN' to be around.  Who knows we were once INVITED in the past BUT they felt they sucked the life and FUN OUT OF THE ROOM❎❎❎

So, WHAT do we do IF/WHEN we're NOT invited in a social circle or social event?  Experts advise us to be MORE APPROACHABLE.  Rather than look at the fault of others, ask ourselves to exert efforts to be MORE APPROACHABLE.  And when body language comes, we need to manifest that 'OPENNESS'.  And here's a tough one. Let's be MORE OPTIMISTIC.  If that is something we're NOT used to doing, we'll need to start getting used to it [from now on].  Start seeing things positively and eventually, that will rub off on others' perspective of you.  And from that point onwards, it's NOT far-fetched for the stars to get aligned  ✅✅✅

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