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Monday, January 1, 2024

Let's Welcome 2024 With LESS DISTRACTIONS

Let's Welcome 2024 With LESS DISTRACTIONS

HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR to us all !  Yes please, Let's Welcome 2024 With LESS DISTRACTIONS.  Unfortunately, in this age of DISTRACTIONS, attention is a luxury.  Our modern life is indeed an endless cycle of DISTRACTIONS and meaningless tasks.  The demands on our time can quickly overwhelm us and leave us feeling depletedπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Now, let's look back on year 2023.  Can you even remember the last time WHEN you were able to put 100% FOCUS into the work you were doing without letting a single distraction interrupt you?  CAN'T quickly remember, right?  NOT to worry about.  This is a problem with all of us.  We tend to FOCUS on WHAT TO DO and thus neglecting WHAT NOT TO DO.  BTW there can be hundreds of disruptions BUT let's FOCUS on the most common DISTRACTIONSπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Let's start off with the most IRRITATING DISTRACTION which is the NOTIFICATION.  You're working, totally focused.  Suddenly, a NOTIFICATION pops up in your phone.  Then another TING, TING TING.  One after the other.  Non-stop in fact.  Then you glance at your phone.  And you are like, 'I AM FOCUSED, I WON'T GET DISTRACTED'.  Then a few more NOTIFICATIONS arrive.  And a few more.  That's it😈😈😈

So, that's it. You stopped working then and there you are, you start checking all the NOTIFICATIONS one after the other.  SOUNDS FAMILIAR?  Yes we're all in that same boat [regardless if you're now working onsite or working from home].  Eventually, it is your work that gets hampered, right?  Can we now realize the ramifications of these DISTRACTIONS☝☝☝

Besides NOTIFICATIONS, be cautioned of consuming CHEAP CONTENT.  Remember, the CONTENT you watch shapes up your mind.  On the other hand, CONTENT which is inspiring, insightful and growth-oriented builds a great mind for you.  WHEREAS, CONTENT which includes HATE, celebrity gossip, and sheer NEGATIVITY builds a mind that becomes the reason for that DISTRACTION turning as your DESTRUCTION.  HAPPY NEW YEARπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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