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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Hard Work Works !!!

Hard Work Works !!!

Hard Work Works, period.  That is the last topic we can ever argue and debate.  What can we do then?  Let's take a leaf from seemingly mundane traits of successful people.  Topping the list and this is a top-notch no-brainer is that they WORK HARD.  They get up early [BTW Elon Musk is an outlier because he admitted that he WON'T hit the sack NOT until he solves a problem].  Besides being tough on themselves, they expect performance from others📗📙📘
Second, they are INCREDIBLY curious and eager to learn.  While most of them did well in school, what matters most is they apply OR take advantage of what they learn.  SUCCESSFUL people want to learn everything about everything.  Thirdly, they NETWORK and NETWORK.  They 'connect' with people.  They DON'T have to be the 'LIFE OF THE PARTY' but they VALUE people and they VALUE relationships.  Fourth, they work on themselves and NEVER QUIT.  These SUCCESSFUL people DON'T tolerate flaws.  They FIX it themselves.  Fifth, they have a very solid SENSE of RESPONSIBILITY💴💷💵
Sixth, despite the odds they face, they are usually RELAXED and keep their perspective.  Even in times of stress OR turmoil, SUCCESSFUL people keep their balance, they rarely panic and they know the VALUE of timing and patience.  Seventh, they are EXTRAORDINARILY creative.  They never stop to go around asking "WHY NOT?"  They see NEW combinations, NEW possibilities, NEW challenges while others see it as PROBLEMS or LIMITATIONS and topping all their traits, they usually LIVE IN THE MOMENT.  They are fully aware that 'NOW' is the only time they can CONTROL.  They NEVER seem rushed and yet, they get a lot done💎💎💎
Furthermore, they GO beyond just looking at the horizon.  They observe trends, notice changes, see shifts and hear the nuances that others miss.  Like a basketball player wearing Nikes is trivial, the neighbor's kid wearing them is interesting, your own teenager demanding them is an investment opportunity!  Extremely SUCCESSFUL people LIVE IN THE PRESENT❗❗❗
And this is the icing on the cake.  Most of the time, SUCCESSFUL people respond instantly.  WHEN an investment is NOT working, they SELL, they DIVEST SUPER FAST enough.  WHEN they see an opportunity, they make a call.  If an important relationship seems to be cooling down, they exert effort to patch and renew that relationship.  SWIFT & FAST ACTION is NOT limited to business.  Awhile ago, our neighborhood TOFU vendor passed by, peddling and when I bought 3 mugs of TOFU, he asked me if I'm a doctor.  I said NO and I asked WHY?  He started to tell me that the past days he and his son had intermittent stomach-ache issues but he is penniless to consult a doctor.  To cut things short, I handed him a 500-peso note and egged him to bring his son [and himself] for medical consultation, pronto✅✅✅

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