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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Crossing The Threshold?

Crossing The Threshold?

Yesterday we were discussing THRESHOLDS Today, I thought it's apt that we discuss Crossing The Threshold if it matter, if it makes sense OR should we just do a 180-degree turnaround every time we reach our THRESHOLD?  These are DECISION-POINTS we need to deal with, like it OR notπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

A recurring feedback/query I received regarding our 'THRESHOLDS' thread yesterday was if DO WE ALWAYS NEED TO CROSS THE THRESHOLD?'  Just because we recognize a THRESHOLD does NOT always means we need to cross it.  To continue toe hero's journey metaphor, DON'T enter the "DRAGON's LAIR IF YOUR ONLY AID IS A TOOTHPICK", whewπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

To borrow a popular one-liner:  
DISCRETION IS THE BETTER PART OF VALOR".  IF and WHEN I'm feeling particularly vulnerable, there's some challenges I personally WON'T take on.  Through the years, there were times WHEN I felt exhausted so I temporarily shelved even some MUST-DO things.  At some point, though, I self-correct myselfπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Sometimes, though, there's another truth here too.  Perhaps the heat triggered by a NOT-SO compassionate response is the necessary CATALYST to a conversation.  Maybe there's just NO time for perfection.  THAT's just another THRESHOLD.  I reckon you always know if you've been told yourself some story to avoid reality.  You DON'T always need to STEP UP though✅✅✅

Without the ability to see those MOMENTS for WHAT they are, MOMENTS that call on you to push your boundaries, you're going to find fewer opportunities to grow your emotional resilience.  We need to recognize the absence of these THRESHOLDS in a carefully cultivated reality.  Now if you have recognized a THRESHOLD and decided to cross it, that will be a fresh 'RESTART' which you need to leverage to be back on track❗❗❗

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