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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

What Your CRAVINGS Are Telling You

What Your CRAVINGS Are Telling You

What Your CRAVINGS Are Telling You  Oooooops, our thread today has got nothing to do with foodies OR culinary arts at all.  Unfortunately, when we hear CRAVINGS, what pops up in our minds are pastries, ice cream, burger, Starbucks drinks or even Korean Samgyupsal.  WHAT gets overlooked is the fact that we do have CRAVINGS that really matter๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท

In numerous studies, the results show that SAFETY, BELONGING and MATTERING are where our CRAVINGS revolve around as they are essential to our brain and our ability to perform work, at home and in life overall.  The greater the feeling SAFETY, both emotional and physical so we can take risks, the greater the feeling of connection with others, OR the feeling that we're in this TOGETHER and we belong TOGETHER๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

The greater the feeling that we personally MATTER and make a DIFFERENCE and are contributing to the greater good, then the GREATER our success, the relationship, the family, the team, the individual.  In every communication, in every conflict, we are subconsciously programming as much as you may try๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
We need to be aware as to WHAT triggers CRAVINGS.  Our environment does trigger because of WHAT we see, smell or associated memory.  A tonic CRAVING is defined as experiencing a CRAVING in a certain moment without a trigger from the environment.  Like smelling the tempting aroma from a bakery.  OR stress hormones make us CRAVE for high-fat, sugary foods.  When we have acute stress, we may NOT have that appetite BUT when stress is more long-lasting, our bodies produce cortisol.  This is a hormone  that is helpful for getting us out of a dangerous situation✅✅✅
Even our brain chemicals is wired to CRAVE certain foods.  This explains why manufacturers create foods that make us come back for more.  And the BLISS POINT is a measurement HOW rewarding a food tastes.  WHEN we eat something that's highly processed and has a lot of sugar and fat, this BLISS POINT can produce a similar response.  In a nutshell, CRAVINGS need to be heard, recognized and acted upon❗❗❗

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