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Monday, January 22, 2024

Hard Things Will Reward MORE

Hard Things Will Reward MORE

We all want REWARDSWHO doesn't want it anyway.  When we feel hot, we just go out and get some sunlight for our body.  It feels hot.  BUT only for that moment.  Because within a few minutes, your mood gets better and you begin to focus on WHAT really matters.  Whereas , HARD Things are HARD for sure BUT they always come with a fulfilling REWARD💴💷💵

And here comes DOPAMINE who does that PERFECT JOB in 'hijacking' all our feelings to the 'CHEAP FIXES'.  Thing is, CHEAP DOPAMINE pulls our standards to the lowest.  And let's face it, the more we look for INSTANT FIXES, the more we lower our standards to DOPAMINE.  True, there is distraction everywhere BUT is that distraction so powerful that you let it take CONTROL of your life📗📙📘

So, indeed, there is DISTRACTION everywhere BUT is that DISTRACTION so powerful that we let it take CONTROL of our life.  It's like we wake up every morning to live our life on the DEFAULT mode. Then we DON'T take or make decisions.  Instead, we get influenced to make choices.  And that influence drives us more to CHEAP dopamine.  It's just time to be more AWARE💎💎💎

Oh oh, when we wake up next day, we open up NETFLIX, and just keep watching movies and series for hours.  Non-stop.  Without any pause.  Now, do we think life is getting some 'flavor'?  BTW, NETFLIX is filling up their pockets with LOADS of your ATTENTION.  Because your ATTENTION is their very source of revenue.  And you are giving them $$$$$ to numb your mind.  AND...... you get NOTHING in return.  So, are we innocent enough that we DON'T understand such manipulation✅✅✅

OR are you so much into that CHEAP DOPAMINE that we DON'T use our brain to know how the 'behind-the-scene' things happen?  Thing is, it feels more alive when we look for real DOPAMINE stuff.  Fake DOPAMINE doesn't need any effort.  You get it with just one click.  Now, real DOPAMINE has a PRICE attached to it.  And that's PAIN you pay the price , you get some awesome REWARD in return.  Indeed, HARD THINGS WILL REWARD MORE❗❗❗

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