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Tuesday, January 2, 2024



Supposedly, this is quite a boring thread, talking about CHALLENGES because we all know that life is full of UPs and DOWNs.  One day, you may feel like you have it all figured out and then in a moment's notice. you've been thrown a CURVE BALL.  Hey dude, this is no isolated story.  Everyone has to face their own set of CHALLENGES.  Question is When Do You ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ถ
Learning how to overcome will help you stay centered and remain calm under pressure.  And as much as have our individual preferences as to how we should face the CHALLENGES in life, this is NOT rocket science because we have learned quite a few basic lessons in life.   First off. let's MAKE A PLAN.  Whether you are a student or a worker, do anticipate the types of CHALLENGES ahead and plan ahead based on that๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
Now, before you hit a LOW POINT, always remember you're NOT alone in that kind of predicament.  Some may handle or even hide it better than others.  BUT the truth is, whatever you are going through, there are others WHO have been through it too.  So, you're NOT alone.  You just need to speak out your feelings and express your concerns in life๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Now, since you're NOT alone, SEEK HELP. The most common reason WHY people 'in distress' DON'T seek help is because they are ASHAMED !@#$%?   BUT hey, throw away in the window that skewed mindset.  Moving on, FEEL YOUR FEELINGS.  If ever you're masking your FEELINGS, they WON'T go away.  Instead, FEELINGS will become like TRAPPED energy and may even have negative implications to your health❎❎❎
Once you start FEELING and SHARING your FEELINGS, you may also be able to see your situation in a new list, without biases.  And it's NOT far fetched to think that that could lead you to come up with novel solutions and overcome the CHALLENGES at hand.  Taking a step farther, DO ACCEPT SUPPORT.  Asking for HELP is only one side of the coin and the other side means you have to be open and willing to ACCEPT SUPPORT because that will lead you to ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE✅✅✅

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