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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Affirmations Are NOT Enough

Affirmations Are NOT Enough

NOT to be a 'KILL JOY'.  NOT to be a devil's advocate. BUT the truth is, it takes very little effort, if at all, for us to swear and make Affirmations.  The harder and hardest parts lie ahead of it.  WHY? Because Affirmations Are NOT Enough.   And frankly, Affirmations are NOT one-size-fits-all solutions.  Firstly, our deeply rooted beliefs, cultivated over years of experience, are NOT always easily swayed by repeated positive phrases.  For someone who has gone through criticism or rejection [in my past], a mere Affirmation might NOT penetrate layers of self-doubt and negative self-perception💴💷💵

Moreover, the efficacy of Affirmations often depend on the individual's state of receptiveness.  If one speaks an Affirmation while internally resisting OR disbelieving it, the POSITIVE impact is likely diluted.  Think of it as trying to plant a seed in unyielding ground.  WITHOUT proper conditions, that seed WON'T flourish.  Furthermore, some people might find Affirmations as too generic OR disconnected from their personal experiences📗📙📘

Affirmations that AREN'T tailored to an individual's unique journey OR emotions CAN sometimes feel empty OR inauthentic.  In turn, this may lead to simply 'go through the motions' as opposed to making any positive CHANGE or steps forward.  Then, things get murkier when underlying mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety OR trauma can also overshadow the positive effects of Affirmations💎💎💎

In those isolated cases, more comprehensive interventions OR therapies may be necessary to address the root causes.  Furthermore, if and when we feel that seem to be lying to ourselves by repeating the same Affirmations over and over again and IF we DON'T truly believe in them, it is unlikely they will help.  Alternatively, who knows, we may also be trying to do too much at once❎❎❎

BIG question to ask ourselves.  WHAT DO WE DO WHEN Affirmations don't work?  Oh Oh, just because Affirmations are NOT working does NOT mean that anything is WRONG with you.  Every person's mental wellness journey is unique. , thus NOT everything works for everyone.  And in lieu of Affirmations, try JOURNALLING to help you see things more clearly.  Try TALKING TO SOMEONE to help you find new ways to challenge negative thought patterns.  And taking the FIRST STEP.  Who knows, another reason Affirmations might NOT be working is because you haven't taken any action toward stepping into the person you want to become.  Remember, Affirmations Are NOT Enough✅✅✅

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