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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Saying NO is To Tough BUT What If We Got To Say NO?

Saying NO is To Tough BUT What If We Got To Say NO?

It's true, it's easier said than done.  I can keep pitching for LESSONS IN LIFE but it seems damn easy for me because I just need to BLOG IT OUTBUT WHAT IF you need to say NO to something?  Ironically, this two-letter word is one of the most difficult words to be translated into ACTION.  For many of us [and that includes moi till now], saying NO is packed with guilt.  BUT If You Don't Like It, Do Something About It, right❓❓❓

In many cases, we are afraid of disappointing someone especially if that someone is your BFF, your spouse/partner, your boss, your client.  OR maybe we happen to be a 'people pleaser'?  NO matter the reasons, learning how to say NO is an important skill for your own well-being.  Our time and energy are precious resources that we should use wisely.  And that means we CAN'T do everything.  WHAT we need to agree on is declining certain requests is sometimes better than just saying a token YES!@#$%?πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

To figure out our struggles in frankly saying NO, sometimes it stems back to our childhood when from an early age, children are taught to be polite and forthcoming.  If a parent or teacher asked a child to do something, saying NO was interpreted as a form of disobedience.  In some cases, refusing an adult meant punishment or a negative reinforcement.  However, this can cause issues around communication and self-assertionπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Being raised to say NO is bad makes it difficult for children to communicate their preferences.  For example, this inability to SPEAK UP for themselves continues into adulthood [and this is alarming].  Another reason you may find it difficult to say NO is doubt❎❎❎

Psychologists have coined 'IMPOSTER SYNDROME' as something that impacts a good number of people as it is that condition of feeling anxious and NOT experiencing success internally. despite high-performing in external and objective ways.  At the end of the day, we got to break up our inability [OR hesitation] to say NO even for the most valid reason.  Saying NO is To Tough BUT What If We Got To Say NO❓❓❓

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