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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Rewiring Our Mindset

Rewiring Our Mindset 

For the longest time, Rewiring Our Mindset was never a TALKING POINT but when we were all got literally clobbered and cloistered by that pandemic, many schools of thought sprung but all of which were intersecting towards Rewiring Our Mindset.  And that includes SIMPLIFYING [rather than complicating] our equations in life.  And allow me to give credit to Harsh Darji from Boston, MA.  Where Harsh Darji is coming from, he simplified complex concepts and that resonated quite strongly when he translated those difficult concepts with the following equations💴💷💵

Initially, this 'EGO' equation looks confusing but Darji effortlessly translates this with his statement that "THE GREATER YOUR KNOWLEDGE, THE SMALLER YOUR EGO'.  Now, let's pause and do a self reflection.  Run a pulse check of your EGO.  And run another pulse check of your KNOWLEDGE.  Then assess the results.  Isn't it that if you have acquired more than enough knowledge, you really WON'T care about EGO.  You become less insecure, if at all.  And things become more instantaneous📗📙📘

In Darji's second equation, what he drives here is that "SELF-LOVE BUILDS BELIEF.  COMPETENCE BUILDS EVIDENCE".  And "TOGETHER THEY FUEL UNWAVERING CONFIDENCE".  The messaging here is that CONFIDENCE is not something that's retrieved off-the-shelf.  You got to develop that SELF-LOVE in parallel with building and acquiring COMPETENCE.  That COMPETENCE is your capability, without which you are nothing but a hallowed substance who CAN'T move forward💎💎💎

For this next equation, Darji's AUTHENTICITY equation refers to one's GENUINENESS where hypocrisy has no place in it.  And Darji reinforces this variable by expressing and embracing one's EMOTIONS without those lingering fears of judgment, rejection, criticism or failure].  Once we develop and embrace this mindset, we WON'T be constrained by the ever encroaching FEARS of being judged, of being rejected, of being criticized or even that FEAR of FAILURE✅✅✅

This SELF-DISCOVERY equation seems to be all-encompassing as it encourages us to literally EXPLORE things and in tandem with SELF-REFLECTING, that somehow tempers the EXPECTATIONS variables.  'Clubbing' together all these equations should equip us, on the minimum, to endeavor in REWIRING OUR MINDSET because that is the very backbone of our life.  WHERE we may end up will be likely influenced by our MINDSETS❗❗❗

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