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Monday, January 1, 2024

Let's Be Wary Of The 'HUSTLE CULTURE'

Let's Be Wary Of The 'HUSTLE CULTURE'

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!  Now, let's both our feet get back to the ground because this gets real.  Let's Be Wary Of The 'HUSTLE CULTURE' because it is a THREAT now that cuts across cultures, jobs, race, name it.  For alignment, let's get Mr Google's definition of HUSTLE CULTURE:  Is when a workplace environment places an intense focus on productivity, ambition and success with little regard for rest, self care OR any sense of WORK-LIFE BALANCEπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, you might ask me, "WHAT's THE FUSS" if that HUSTLE CULTURE is NOT an issue in my current work environment?  To me, the issue of HUSTLE CULTURE is NOT company-specific.  True, if a company does NOT have WLB [work-life balance], that exacerbates the plight of us under the HUSTLE CULTURE threat but the thing is, this hitherto hidden thing is brewing all alongπŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©

If we need to point our fingers somewhere for this HUSTLE CULTURE, blame it on SOCIAL MEDIA, fair and square.  Let's visualize these scenarios.  If I'm a worker onsite in office, with those DISTRACTIONS a.k.a. NOTIFICATIONS, much as you want to resist getting into your smart phone, those incessant NOTIFICATIONS will never stop pestering you.  To be fair to each of us, we DON'T succumb to those notifications right on the first TING or DING as they keep TINGing & DINGing until you succumb to it, and that's the time when you finally open one NOTIFICATION, then next, then next!@#$%?

So, HOW do we avoid this toxicity?  Fairly simple.  Regardless if you're in off OR working from home OR doing your home chores, keep that damn smart phone either at your office locker unit OR when working from home, please DON'T DON'T place that damn smart phone right beside your laptop keyboard, PLEASE❎❎❎

At the end of the day, true you managed to complete all your tasks but after getting cornered into MULTI-TASKING by working and 'on the fly' succumbing to those endless NOTIFICATIONS [which, to be honest, you allowed it to DISTRACT yourself.  Can we aim for our first target this 2024?  To cut down on this HUSTLE CULTURE, please❗❗❗

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