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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

You Can't Take Cubs Unless You Enter The Tiger's Den

You Can't Take Cubs Unless You Enter The Tiger's Den

Some beliefs may not be heard widespread but once it spills right on your nose, you DON'T need to lift a finger at all like when we hear that You Can't Take Cubs Unless You Enter The Tiger's Den because by itself, that's a mouthful given the survival challenges we have in lifeπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

I remember in my very first foray in the rough and tumble games of the corporate world, before I knew it, I was rubbing elbows with industry experts and gurus who were then hobnobbing with dyed-in-the-wool expats from our global headquarters at The Hague.  Yet, there I was, twiddling my thumbs and sometimes pressing my arms, asking myself if this is the reality, that I finally managed to create a breakthrough in my arduous climb into the prestigious confines of corporate lifeπŸ“™πŸ“˜πŸ“—

Before anything else though, allow me to credit YASHAR KAFI, an American transformational guru, for the above poster because that sums up everything the whole nine yards can cover, in fact.  BUT what is often missed is that that TIGER'S CUB [this is NOT a typo] is a tough nut to crack, with a very high mortality rate that can deter even the most ambitious TIGER you can beπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

In fact, to state that you will get bruised will be a gross understatement because it is akin to a NO MAN'S LAND where no quarters are given.  And if you though you can cling to a LIFELINE there, better digest all the food you can eat up because you got to buttress your arsenal and get braced for the toughest challenge you can face up❎❎❎
Now, not to scare the weaker ones, what is the likely outcome of a typical attempt of someone who wants to join the 'TIGER CUB'?  Sadly, there is at least a 50% probability that you would be clobbered and frankly, devoured by the predator kings in the wilderness.  So what's our FIX to avoid and avert that debacle?  Get into a no nonsense regimen that will lead you to that unassailable readiness who can have a fighting chance to survive, if NOT to prevail.  BUT who knows❓❓❓

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