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Wednesday, November 29, 2023



Do You [REALLY] Need To BREAK THE BANK?  That was my pointed question to my daughter few days back when she wanted to buy an add-on accessory and then she suggested she will dip into her PIGGY BANK.  I had to stamp my foot down and said NO because I thought she NOT Need To BREAK THE BANK because I didn't see at least even one valid reason to justify it.  It was neither an emergency nor a case in point where she was in 'dire financial straits'.  And lastly, although what she wanted to buy was a MUST-HAVE, that can wait once she's got the budget

Well well well, seriously, we should NOT stop going out and enjoying life because by then, life might be boring but we need to realize figuring out a strategy of NOT BREAKING THE BANK.  First off, a great way to NOT spending more than you want is to set a specified amount to spend each day or night you go out.  HOW do you know if you are breaching the threshold of overspending if you DON'T set a limit❓❓❓

Frankly, make sure your limit is LESS THAN what you have in your bank account for obvious reasons.  You CAN'T spend more than you have, and you certainly want money left over after the day or night is done.  Once you have established your BUDGET for that day or night, you need to STICK to it.  What's the point of making a limitation if you yourself WON'T follow through❌❌❌
The age-old RULE-of-THUMB is to pay in CASH [unless you're into a major procurement that will require bundled tons of $$$$$$.  Otherwise, the CASH you bring is the only CASH you'll have [UNLESS you'll run to the ATM BUT HEY DON'T DO THAT].  Fact is, once you run out of CASH, you CAN'T buy anything else.  BUT here's I am guilty of this because when I run out of CASH, I end up swiping my credit card.  So WHAT's the FIX?  Leave that credit card at home otherwise, trust me, you will likely succumb to swiping that plastic
Now, the WILD CARD is NOT the credit card BUT the debit card because the latter reinforces your confidence that you got MONEY IN THE BANK.  So what's our FIX?  You can transfer your debit card's balance in your savings account [UNLESS your savings account is linked to your ATM debit card !@#$%?  Otherwise, HAVE FUN, you can go out and have a great time WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK❗❗❗

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