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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Have You Had Your 'SLAM DUNK' Yet?

Have You Had Your 'SLAM DUNK' Yet?

Have You Had Your 'SLAM DUNK' Yet?  Before we get embroiled into 'SLAM DUNK', let's agree that, in life, for you to get credited for a 'SLAM DUNK' means you have caused something so earth-shaking, so impactful as to significantly move the tectonic plates even at the dreaded San Andreas Fault in California.  But you have NOT been credited yet with that 'SLAM DUNK', DON'T unduly pressure yourself as long as you're committed to create that 'SLAM DUNK' in your lifeπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Ironically, one of the most beautiful as well as painful things about us humans is HOW much we feel.  From our birth onwards, as we grew with more experiences, GOOD and BAD, some of those experiences that caused strong feelings would have made IMPRINTS in our life. As an imprint is a 'BELIEF SYSTEM' that equates to our embedded memory that sometimes alters HOW we see ourselves, that remains stored there.  And as time passes, that can turn into what feels like an ABSOLUTE TRUTHπŸ’΄πŸ’΅πŸ’·

Before we end up in a disconnect, to be credited with a  'SLAM DUNK'  could be translated with modest but SOLID milestones which can happen during our university days OR through our professional career OR through our commercial or entrepreneurial forays..  Either way, there is no hard definition of what a  'SLAM DUNK' isπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Some of our IMPRINTS in life may seem trivial BUT they all can influence our PERCEPTION of life in ways that put a layer between YOU and YOUR REALITY at present.  Let's hold this intention of becoming aware of your IMPRINTS in your heart and see what arises over the next few days as you open yourself to recalling these early experiences.  And as you explore what you believe to be true about yourself, you will begin to recognize where those beliefs originated and hoping you will be able to bring into clearer focus whether they are actually TRUE.  In many cases, OLD IMPRINTS may either be NEVER really true or are no longer true❗❗❗

So, how is it?  WHEN was the last time you did claim or were credited with a 'SLAM DUNK'?  If your last/latest 'SLAM DUNK' was quite sometime back. there should be NO pressure for you to trigger another 'SLAM DUNK' anytime now.  And if you have NOT achieved any 'SLAM DUNK', it should NOT be another cause to trigger pressure because 'SLAM DUNK' performances do NOT happen everyday, and probably, NOT even every week.  Either way, we're egging you to include in your journal that goal of achieving a 'SLAM DUNK' within your journey✅✅✅

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