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Monday, November 6, 2023

Post-Vacation Syndrome, Anyone?

Post-Vacation Syndrome, Anyone?

For a year, you worked like a 'DAWG' [and that's fantastic but sooner, you planned out in detail your next vacation].  BUT after coming from a vacation, am I correct to guess that somehow you had to go through a Post-Vacation Syndrome?  Now, if you did go through that, please, NOT to despair because we all go through that Post-Vacation Syndrome๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
Coming back to work after a long holiday break has never been easy for any of us. And this year, as an aftermath of that long drawn pandemic, holidays have been quite different than usual for everyone.  Imagine we got stuck in our homes for close to three years, whew!  So, while some people have decided to spend their holidays in a 'staycation' mode, others did travel๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
Regardless of the type of vacation we would eventually plunge in, getting back on track can be challenging, and on some occasions, there may be cases of what we know as Post-Vacation Syndrome.  So, let's deep-dive into what is commonly known as 'holiday blues'.  To be aligned, Post-Vacation Syndrome is defined as that 'LOW MOOD' which appears after a period of intense emotion or stress๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Some of the main symptoms of this Post-Vacation Syndrome are insomnia, low energy, short temper, lack of concentration and anxiousness.  Post-Vacation Syndrome can be described as the result of a sudden release of stress hormones after an important event, like vacations and holidays.  Would you believe, a survey showed 87% of working employees admitted going through the Post-Vacation Syndrome✅✅✅
So, what's our FIX[es]?  First off, ORGANIZE YOURSELF to smoothly transition back into 'WORK MODE', consider organizing things before fully immersing yourself in your daily routine.  Secondly, on your first day back Post-Vacation, plan an 'EASY DAY'.  Transitioning back on DAY-1 with a full-day of tasks with back-to-back Zoom meetings with frenetic pace it will be so overwhelming.  Ooooops, this is NOT the end-of-the-world, though.  Chill, dude❗❗❗

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