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Thursday, November 23, 2023

Need A Distress Call?

Need A Distress Call?

Need A Distress Call?  Not so fast.  Before we jump the gun, much as we DON'T want to be a bearer of ARMAGEDDON scare tactics, let us admit that there are really extreme stressful events we can experience in life.  BUT it might be helpful to increase our awareness that there are TOP STRESSORS in life which may eventually trigger us to make a DISTRESS CALL 📗📘

NOT so surprisingly, topping the list of studies that identify the TOP STRESSORS in our life, six of the TOP TEN STRESSORS are closely inter-twined to one's loved one/partner/spouse.  Obviously, WHEN our life is very closely intertwined with a person, losing them can be agonizing and may even lead us to experience other changes in life, our lifestyle, our daily routines, and even living arrangements💴💷💵

Even divorce, if both partners/spouses agree that it is the for their mutual benefit, let's admit it that it will be difficult to deal with it, especially because it requires us to readjust our routine and lifestyle.  To make matters worse, legal tussles will complicate even a divorce supposedly amicably settled.  Add-on custody battles of children will really drive us damn crazy.  And during this age of labor diaspora [especially in Third World countries], that means at least one of the partnered couple/spouses will travel thousands of miles away to earn $$$$$ and in return, he/she WON'T be back, maybe after a year or two.  Tough times indeed❎❎❎

For a very small percentage, some may get incarcerated.  What else do we expect BUT instantly, the person will have to go through LONELINESS and ISOLATION.  And the lack of access to better health safeguards and even nutrition will just push things down deeper. And when a major injury or illness befalls either partner/spouse or an immediate family member, besides the expensive medical bills, surviving that medical debacle is like a death knell❌❌❌

Knock on wood, if any of us get hit with any of these TOP STRESSORS in our life, leveraging on your support structure may become a MUST-DO even if it's akin to calling MAYDAY, calling 911 or screaming for HELP in the high seas.  Much as we will all fervently hope and pray that not one of these TOP STRESSORS may hit us one day, to be FOREWARNED is to be FOREARMED❗❗❗

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