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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Growth Isn't Always Linear

Growth Isn't Always Linear

What is GROWTH?  Oh c'mon, you might shrug this off as a boring topic, like those Economics subjects we had in the university. BUT hey, GROWTH is as relevant for us to discuss as your name because majority of us [that included me in the past] firmly believed that to really grow, it has to be exponentially going up up and away BUT Growth Isn't Always Linear especially in life.  WHEN we're sometimes stuck in the mud [coming from Point A to Point B], that could really be GROWTH because you did progress and move from Point A to Point B.  Let's even take a worst case scenario where before you were a Dentist in your native third world country [and there's NOTHING wrong about that] and when you became a U.S. immigrant, your job role is that of a dental assistant.  BTW, I'm referring to my classmate since our elementary years.  Today, he runs a burgeoning dental clinic near Beverly Hills in California๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Indeed, it is easy to think of personal GROWTH as a series of LINEAR decisions, a process of taking one clear-cut step after the other, in a predictable and sensible way.  We have seen working professionals who left their current employer 'FOR GREENER PASTURES' only to knock on his/her former employer's doors a few years later seeking to rejoin the organization he/she left.  Unfortunately, the statement "TWO STEPS FORWARD, ONE STEP BACK" is usually a negative term to describe someone who is having trouble making progress๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ถ
Thing is, there is a GROWTH PROCESS all of us need to go through.  And I'd like to think of it as a forward motion and a primary ingredient in our SAUCE OF LIFE.  Forward motion propelling our bodies and minds to grow steadily toward the future we desire and dream of.  In brief, it means PROGRESS and not PERFECTION.  It means that instead of grumbling or feeling guilty about a misstep, you can still come out ahead by putting your head down and push forward.  John Quincy Adams, the 6th President of the United States was widely quoted: "PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE HAVE A MAGICAL EFFECT BEFORE WHICH DIFFICULTIES DISAPPEAR AND OBSTACLES VANISH"๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
When we combine a positive future outlook with the obstacles of reality and the challenges these obstacles present, we become able to be more selective in our pursuit of our goals and eventually become more confident in our GROWTH.  Those PEAKS and VALLEYS and LEAPS and STUMBLES become less daunting๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
"TWO STEPS FORWARD, ONE STEP BACK" becomes a way to measure the non-LINEAR nature of our GROWTH.  A forward motion we all experience and one I would aggressively 'HARD SELL' to each of you my readers to consider embracing this mindset because for all we know, it could become a game-changer, something that will tilt the final outcome of our journey either way, all because GROWTH ISN'T ALWAYS LINEAR✅✅✅

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