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Thursday, November 9, 2023

When We End Up Pathetic & Pitiful

When We End Up Pathetic & Pitiful

When We End Up Pathetic & Pitiful?  No sirrrrs, we're NOT here to discriminate failures.  We DON'T castigate and flag down those who TRIED but FAILEDWHY?  Because they plotted things out and they endeavored and attempted to achieve their goal albeit they failedπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Instead, we'd like to zero-in to that pathetic and pitiful plight when we have so many ideas, so much plans, with visions that will envy us no less BUT yet nothing progresses or worst, nothing gets kickstarted after all the verbals and noises [BUT nothing much transpires except visions and dreams that tend to dissipate in thin air.  Heard of some people with the coolest things in mind?  Wading by the canals in Venice.  Trekking Mount Everest.  Taking up post-graduate studies to enhance his academic credentials.  And just a lot moreπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So, the final question is:  WHY HAVEN'T YOU?  If we deeply desire to turn that long-held dream into a reality, let's grapple down with the fundamentals in life.  Primero, DEFINE YOUR GOAL CLEARLY.  Nothing vague.  Nothing nebulous like the clouds.  Otherwise, even if things progress, you might end up with some FUZZY resultsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
As there is NO ONE SIZE THAT FITS ALL, there are two vantages to mentally craft a plan.  Either stand at the bottom and look up [which should be quite scary if look up the densely shrouded fogs of Mt Everest] OR stand at the top of the mountain and look back down, and ask the question, WHAT STEPS DID I TAKE TO GET HERE❓❓❓

Looking back down the mountain from the summit gives you the GOAL CLARITY you need.  And this is where misses happen.  When the goals may have been visualized but it falls short from being CRYSTAL CLEAR, ending up with a shortfall is not far fetched.  And once you embark on your journey towards that goal, believe in your goal[s] PASSIONATELY.  You need to fervently believe in it because that will lead you to pursue your goal[s] aggressively. That is when you will NOT end up PATHETIC and PITIFUL❎❎❎

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